👸🏻15. Must be nice to be in love👸🏻

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I woke up the next day in a real comfortable bed. After everything that happened last night, my heart is in all the wrong places, I don't understand why me marrying Klaus will keep the supernaturals away. Like, why can't we just say that Klaus is my boyfriend, or my cousin, I don't understand why he have to be my husband.

I sigh as I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. Once I finished getting dressed I step out of the room and I ended up standing on a balcony, but the balcony was inside this huge building. I don't even remember getting here last night, I guess I feel asleep while Elijah sped us here. "Good morning, Ava." I look down and I see Rebekah smiling up at me. "How are you feeling?"

"Um, I'm good I guess." I find some stairs and I begin to walk down them. "So, where are we?"

Before she could answer, Elijah enters the room and answer for her. "Welcome back to New Orleans, this is our home. We lived here before we came to stay with you." I nod as I look around the place, it was huge.

"We hope you like it, we know that it's not your usual mansion type. We call this place the compound, and this part here." Rebekah points to our surrounding area. "We call it the courtyard."

"Wow, this place is actually nice. I love it." I smile as I look around and I notice how open it is. "Are you guys sure that it's safe?"

Before either of them could speak, a voice comes from on top of the balcony. "This is the safest place you'll ever be." It was dark skin man with a gorgeous white smile.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked as I hide behind Elijah and the man comes down the stairs smiling.

"Ava, meet, Marcel. My husband." Rebekah smiles as she goes up to the man and kisses him passionately. Must be nice to be in love with someone, and married to them. "And Marcel, this is Ava. She's the princess I was telling you about."

"Oh right, the one with the um...you know CB." I stare at Marcel confused. "I don't want say it out loud because this place is crawling with vampires. Since Klaus left, he left me in charge of the Quarter."

{CB=Curable Blood}

"So, you're like the king of the city or something?" I asked and he nods excitedly as he rubs his hands. "That's cool, but are you guys sure that it's safe for me
here? I'm pretty sure that my picture is going around somewhere, and someone will notice that I'm the princess with the....CB."

Rebekah walks over to me and place her hands my shoulders. "You need to take a chill pill, even if something does happen, we're the originals, we can't die."

"But you can take a regular stake to the chest and then once that happens your dead for like...I' don't know three minutes?" I shrug my shoulders and sigh, I can't help but think about the possibilities of me getting hurt, and Klaus isn't here to save me. I don't really know if I should be mad at him, because I never told him how I really feel and he's right. How could I be with Damon and he couldn't be with anyone else. I just really need to clear my head

"AVA!?" Rebekah shouts and I jump to the sound of her voice. "Where did you go?" She asked and I raise an eyebrow. "You spaced out for a moment, so where did you go?"

I don't know if I should answer honestly because Marcel and Elijah were still standing here, but this is Rebekah. She's my new family fake or not, and I guess saying this will help with my mindset. "I think I'm falling for Klaus, and after seeing him last night with one of my suppose to be friends...it just made me more heartbroken than seeing Katherine stick her tongue down Damon's throat."

Everyone in the room share a look and I groan and start to head to my room. "Ava, wait." Rebekah grabs my hand and I refuse to face her. "Look, falling for someone like Klaus is well...not normal."

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