👸🏻22. Rejoined the land of the living👸🏻

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I was completely dressed but, I was just staring into empty space. I don't know who to trust and it's like everyday my circle gets smaller and smaller. I don't want to trust Genevieve, so tonight I'm going to be asking around. Hopefully it doesn't match her story. "You look stunning." Rebekah says as she walks in the room."

"Thanks, I was surprised when my designers sent me the pictures of this dress. I automatically fell in love and I think the gold goes perfectly for the story behind it." I get up from the bed and flares out the bottom of my dress. "Speaking of stories, what's up with yours."

She chuckles as she spins around in her pink dress and bows before me. "I'm sleeping beauty. Since that's all I use to be back then." We both laughs and she walks over to my balcony door. "So, what's your story?"

"Well, I wasn't going to make it obvious but, I'm the evil queen with a twist." She raises her eyebrows and I laugh at her reaction. "I'm two stories, but it makes one story."

"What's the other story?"

"King Midas." She opens the balcony door and I join her as we step out for some fresh air. "The reason I chose both is because, I feel as if both characters will be me and Klaus. I feel like I'll become something I'm not, and I feel as if everything Klaus touch will turn to gold....or it'll crumble and fall apart, and then eventually get buried away like gold. That's why the gold is at the bottom of my dress, it's like fate hasn't decided. I could either turn into gold, be buried away like gold, or the gold will fade and I'll be lost as a dark queen."

She looks at me impressed. "Wow, you really put deep thoughts into that story." I laugh and she chuckles before rubbing my arms. I think that I could trust Rebekah, but I know that she will always be loyal to her brother. I shouldn't ask her anything, because it will find it's way back to Nik, but I can ask her about something else.

"Hey, I heard that your mother have this huge book of spells. Any idea where it may be?"

"Why on earth do you want that?" She ask with a confused face, I'm glad I already had my lie straight.

"Bonnie wants to see if she can help me with this 'CB' {Curable Blood} problem. Hopefully your mother wrote something down, she even found some old spells from her descendant Qetsiyah."

"How did this happen to you? How did the cure get in your blood and stay?" She asked and I stare out into the city. I believe I told Klaus this story, or maybe it was Elijah.

"Well, a long time ago my father sister and myself were very, very ill. We were so sick that, it was only death that would come for us. At the time I was 1, I was only a baby when my father sister told them about the cure. I wasn't a supernatural, at least that's what they told me. The cure wouldn't have worked on me but, of course my dad lied when he told me the story of her death. It took them a week whole week to find the cure and once they did they found it with the witch named Silas."

"My bother Kol use to tell me stories about him. Said something about if we woke up him, the whole world would feel his wrath."

"Nope, they took a sledgehammer and took the cure that way. Once they gave me the cure my mom wanted to try something. So, they gave my aunt some of my blood and it healed her, turned her into a completely human. Though, she died when I was 3, boating accident."

"Yikes." Rebekah makes a cringe face and I laugh. "So, we're you a supernatural? Still doesn't explain why the cure is still in your veins."

"After I found out about the supernatural life that's that's when I did research and found all of that out,
I also found out that from my dad side, I'm a siphon witch. Which would've been cool if I didn't take that cure. I found out about this Qetsiyah woman and how she made the cure for Silas. I didn't really care about that but, I found out that somehow my blood is some how duplicating itself. That's why Tyler Lookwood tried to bleed me dry. If I lose all of my blood at once, I die, but if I lose like a pint, it'll just regenerate."

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