👸🏻26. I make you want to murder people👸🏻

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After sitting outside for at least an hour ruining my massacre for that dick. I finally hurry out the car so I can help Nik, I'm relieved to know that he wasn't behind my mothers murder but, I still want to know about those dreams. After today I need a long break, maybe I should go back home and be the princess again.

"KLAUS!? I'M HERE!!!" I shout through the compound as I check the downstairs area then head up to his room.

"Go away." He says and in a gruff voice.

"Klaus?" I walk in his room and finds him shirtless sitting on the floor, leaning on the bed. "I can't believe this happened to you."

"I need more time. Stop hounding me!" He shouts and I become a little upset.

"I'm hounding you? I'm supposed to be with Tessa right now taking down Silas and yet I'm the one who's hounding you?" I cross my arms and glare at the hybrid.

"Ava. Is it really you?" I look at him surprised and he sighs with relief as he struggles and pulls himself onto the bed and leans back against it. "Prove it to me."

"Okay, I don't know if this is some new way of flirting, but it sucks, and I have more important things to do." I don't know if Silas played with his head while I was gone, but he should know the real me by now.

I turn around and start to leave, but Klaus voice stops me. "Wait, please. The white oak stake is still stuck inside me."

I turn around and rush over to him. "I still don't know why would Silas attack you, there's other people who are way closer to me than you."

"Well, I was in no position to ask questions. Suffice it to say, I'm hurt. So you can you hurry this along love?"

I start laughing softly. "You can be real pain sometimes." He smirks as I trace my fingers along his back. "What do you want me to do?"

"Well, it's quite simple, really. I need you to cut the stake out of me." Klaus looks down at a pair of bloody pliers lying on the rug. I look down at them, perturbed.

"You're so lucky that I grown to like you." I pick up the pliers and he brace himself on a nearby table, while I use the pair of pliers to try and dig out the white oak stake. "I found out that Elena is still alive, and that Damon have been sleeping with her the entire time that he was with me." He groans as I dig and that's all you could hear in the room.

I don't know what he's thinking, besides getting this stake out. He probably doesn't even care that Damon really broke my heart. "You're too good for him." He finally says and I sorta start to smile. "Any man that breaks your heart, doesn't deserve it, love."

"Oh, my god. You do have a heart." I giggle and he chuckle. As I dig around I notice that I don't really see anything. "Are you sure he stabbed you?"

"I don't know, love. The pain I'm feeling is just all in my head!"

"Okay, okay I'm sorry. You don't have to act like a dick just because you're in pain."

"Speaking of pain, did you give Genevieve my mothers grimoire?" As that question left his mouth I sorta slowed down with the digging. It's not like I didn't know he was going to find out but, I didn't expect him to find out so soon. I definitely need to get that book back since that snarky tomato headed bitch, lied to me.  "Ava!?"

"I'm sorry okay, I just wanted information about you because it was clear that you wasn't going to tell me the truth about your pass." He becomes enraged and quickly turns to face me.

"YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO MAKE DEALS WITH A WITCH WHOS BEEN AFTER THIS FMAILY FOR YEARS!!!" I drop my head and I hear him sigh. "You should've came to me, now because of your idiocy we have multiple problems!!!" He turns around and slams his hand on this desk. "You make me want to murder people."

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