👸🏻8. I can't believe I almost let you in👸🏻

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Once I got back home I changed into some clothes. I was going to wear something casual, but I decided to wear something simple and plain. I had Elijah sneak me through my window because I needed time to myself to process all of this. I sit on my couch that's by my window and place my feet on the couch as well as I snuggle up with a pillow.

I have so many questions, I have so many thoughts that I can't get out of my head. Now that I know that there's a supernatural world that's after me, I have no idea who I can trust or who is on my side. I just have to talk to everyone in one room, I need to know who's on my side and who's just out to get me.

As I lay here lost in my head, Elijah enters my room and stands by the door. "They're waiting for you."

"All of them?" I look at him and he nods and I take a deep breath before getting up and walking over towards him. "You'll be honest with me right?" He nods as he stares in my eyes. "What are you?"

He walks around room, just looking at different things as he do. "I'm known as the original." He faces me and I raise an eyebrow. "An original vampire, the first of my kind. Well, that would be Rebekah but, we still are the original family."

I stare at him for moment as I try to fight my thoughts. I have so many questions, but that will only lead to even more questions. "Do you want my blood? Did you even know about it?"

"We found out about your blood the day your father came to us. We learned everything about your life a week before we met you." He steps closer to me and surprisingly I don't step back. I don't even mind that he's placing his hands on my face to look me in my eyes. "I give you my word, I'm going to protect you no matter what, I don't want your blood and I do not need it."

For some reason I feel a lot more better than how I felt when I came home. There's something about Elijah that's different, something that screams, 'it's okay, you're safe'."

As we look into each other eyes I hear someone clearing there throat outside my door, and when I look I see Klaus standing there with the most deadliest glare I have ever seen. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." I move Elijah's hands and walk out my door. "Follow me please, I'm glad that we can all finally have a talk." He looks at me confused and I lead the boys to the study where, Rebekah, Kol, Freya, Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, Caroline, Katherine, Brooke, Aunt Anna, and my dad, we're waiting for us.

"Ava, mi estrella fugaz. Thank god that you're okay." {"My shooting star." In Spanish} He walks over to me but, Elijah blocks his way. "What is this?"

"I want all of you to have a seat, It's my turn to talk." Everyone share looks and then does as their told. "I was 20 years old, when I found out about the supernatural life." They all look at me shockingly, but none of their faces could compare to my dads face. His mouth hung up and he was just to stuck to speak. "At this very moment, in this very room. I want all of the truth to come out, and I swear if anyone leaves anything out I'll kill you myself. Do we all understand?" They all nod and I clear my throat. "We're going to start with the people who's in least trouble." I look at my friends and my boyfriend. "What are you guys and what do you want with me?"

They all share looks and they seem like they were to afraid to speak. After a moment, Caroline speaks up. "Well, all of us are vampires, except for Bonnie...she's a witch." They all stare at me as I show no emotion on my face. These people were suppose to be my best friends, and yet they didn't tell me that they're part of the supernatural race.

"Ava?" Damon mumbles as he reaches for my hand but I pull it away. "Ava, we don't care about what your blood can do. We only care about you and your safety."

"But all this time you knew!" I shout as tears water up in my eyes. "My suppose to be friends and my suppose to be boyfriend, have known all of this about me and never once told me!!"

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