Loop 2, Chapter Twenty One: Tick Tock

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EnderOni, Loop 2

Chapter Twenty One:

Tick Tock


Important Notes:

-Loop 2 is not a sequel. EnderOni is not over.

-Updates are not snacks. Don't ask for another like I can pull it from a box of cookies.

-Please do not bring up drama starting topics in the comments.

-If there are any mistakes, please point them out kindly. 

-Please enjoy! Thank you! 


Trapped in a mansion by a monster for unknown reasons, forced to play a game of life and death. A plot you only find in fiction. But unfortunately, it had become Tyler's reality. Letters were sent out anonymously to 13 minecrafters, inviting them to play a horror map at a mansion one Friday afternoon. It seemed confusing at first, with no signs or instructions to be found. But then Tyler was found nearly dead within the first hour, and the monster that was rumored to walk around the building no longer was doubted. The EnderOni, Bodil claimed it was called, remembering stories from his childhood.

One after another, in no order or timely manner at all, the 12 of the 13 guests were killed off by this Oni, who found himself relating their deaths to the numbers on a clock. One O'clock was Ant, who was sadly the first to go. Two was Jason, who saved the life of Sub, a new found friend. Three was Bashur, who had been possessed by the Oni, jumping out of the 4th floor window, dying in the grass below. Four was Jerome, who had to think fast and save Bodil. Five was Brice, but whether he was killed by the Oni or Tyler is unknown.

Six was Sub, whom made sure his last moments entertained his last viewer. Seven was Sky, and eight was Mitch, both dying in battle together, as one last alliance. Nine was the real Ty, whom had been gone all along. Ten was Bodil, the beginning of the fall. Elven was Ian, falling from Tyler's grasp. Twelve was Seto, who ran, but couldn't hide. Tyler found himself as the unlucky number of thirteen, and yet he couldn't die. The Oni couldn't kill him. So he was given a choice. To restart, or go home alone.

And he chose to restart. To play a game on a clean slate. Was it a good choice?


It was 1:30 in the afternoon, and Tyler found himself alone again. Bashur and Sky were off exploring the left hallway, Ty and Sub were off exploring the middle hallway, and Tyler was again left with the right hallway. The hallway was quite, and Tyler stared down it. He had lost his train of thought, but then shook his head. He walked down the hallway, his feet feeling heavier then the last time. It was hard to believe that, just like that, time had been spun back. He honestly didn't believe it was possible.

Tyler found the enchantment room first, reaching out to turn the door nob. If he remembered correctly, the journal was found in there somewhere, and by the rules Onity had set in place, he could be in that room for 30 more minutes without a worry in the world. Onity was the Oni, or later found to be ONE of the Onis, that lived in the mansion. He had taken Ty's form and tricked everybody back in loop one, as well as giving Tyler the option to restart. Tyler honestly didn't know much else about Onity, but it didn't matter since Tyler didn't like Onity at all. Onity was his enemy, right?

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