Chapter Ten: The Annex

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EnderOni, Loop One

Chapter ten:

The Annex


The next morning was slow and dull. Some tried to go back to sleep while others slowly got up to find something to eat, such as an apple. Yet again did they spend their time doing really nothing at all. That was until everyone was eventually forced awake, at what felt like 11 in the morning. But ever since they spent their first night here, they began to slowly lose count of time. Sure, there were clocks all over the place, but it felt like all their times were wrong. Maybe that was true, but maybe it was just a feeling.

"What's the plan?" Someone finally asked.

They all kinda just looked at each other, and it was Seto whom stood up finally to speak.

"We can do more investigating. Look for more keys."

"There was that one door Jerome thought might be an escape." Mitch reminded everyone.

"We also can look for more weapons." Ty added.

"Well, um." Bodil gulped. "Is it alright if some of us want to stay?"

"You can stay if you'd like. We won't force you to go." Tyler said, helping calm Bodil, who still feared that he was next.

"He can stay with me." Brice said.

"Alright then." Seto nodded his head.

"One group can go upstairs and another downstairs." Mitch continued.

"I'd like to look around upstairs more." Tyler raised his hand.

They looked around to see who would volunteer to go with Tyler, but because of yesterday, nobody wanted to go upstairs. After a few long moments, Sub gave in and raised his hand. Jerome shuffled around, gulping.

"I-i'll go with them." He gave up.

"Me too." Mitch joined.

"Alright." Seto then turned to the rest. "That's a group of four. Me, Sky, Ty, and Ian can go downstairs. How's that?"

"Not like I can really go against the idea." Sky scratched his head. Ty nodded his head and Ian looked down at his feet, giving in as well.

The two groups left, and Bodil and Brice were left in the safe room. Tyler's group headed upstairs, finding themselves on the third floor with the Piano room and the library.

"We should search the library. It would be a good place to hide things, and there is a lot to go through, so it would be best to get it over with." Jerome suggested.

"Not like we have time to lose." Tyler agreed.

The four walked inside, splitting up to look down the different rows of bookshelves. There were six rows, each with about 11 bookcases. There had to be hundreds of books. There were books of all kinds, most having some sort of identification on it's spine. Those that did not had a tag sticking out with handwritten info. It looked like a collection of some sort.

The four of them, liking it or not, read through all the spines and tags, looking for anything out of place. The rows seemed to all have themes, Jerome looking through cook books, Mitch finding loads of How-tos, Sub with the novels, and at the end of the room, Tyler found himself with the shelves of uncategorized nonsense.

There was nothing really important at all on these shelves. No hidden keys, no notes. The only things that could be of any help were stories written on myths, possibly including the Oni, but who knew? The group spent well over an hour an there, quite possibly more then 2 hours, but nobody was keeping track of time. When they all finished, they moved on, and so it goes.

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