hey guys...

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Hey guys... so after 44 chapters The Crime Boss's Lawyer is over. Hopefully yall aren't too mad about how I ended it but you cant say you were surprise because theres been hints along the way of writing this one.

Thank you yall for the love and support ♡. Also thank you too the people who have been their since the beginning who had to wait for each chapter to come out.

To be honest I had so many other plans for this book but it just kept changing throughout my time writing it. Like Nora was never supposed to get pregnant but one person changed that so I changed it so that she was pregnant. I know some people dont like the main characters getting pregnant and I didnt want to make that the main focus of Nora so I waited until the end to have her get pregnant. Also in the beginning there was no Sadie, Matt, or Nadia but as you well know there is now. And Beau wasn't supposed to have a big part in the book or have anything other than the first time she met him. 

So do you guys like the way things ended?

I dont know when I'll be back to writing but I hope you guys follow me for new books that are in the works.

What kinds of other books do you guys want to see?

Have any questions, concerns or comments? Feel free to comment them :)

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