December 25, 2019

12 3 0

In the Life of a Rose...

The Gentlemen was the film I was sitting in my living watching. It had just been released today and with my privilege, I was sent a copy to review before it came out in theaters.

Honestly, the movie wasn't that great. There was a major plot twist with all the different stories of each enemy going after Mickey, but I just got lost in the fold. I assumed the story was supposed to unravel. The only things that kept me watching, mainly the actors, were Charlie Hunnam, Matthew McConaughey, and Henry Golding from Crazy Rich Asians, who were just beautiful.

When I finished, I did an overall score of six out of ten; Guy Ritchie didn't please me this time as he did with his other works. I turned off the tv and turned to my laptop to write a report of the film. I even pointed out that the red-bottom Louboutin's weren't red when Michelle Dockery's character Rosalind Pearson was leaving her office, proving that they couldn't keep up with previous scenes.

I completed that and sent it to my editor. I returned to the list of movies I need to watch and when I scrolled past The Gentlemen, the rest was blank. I gasped in excitement, practically screaming internally, and clapped my hands.

I leaned back and sighed, resting my eyes after being stretched thin for the past month or so. I felt my phone buzz and I grabbed it to see my family sending Merry Christmas wishes and gifs. We decided not to have another gathering because Cameron and Delilah were going over to their spouses' house for the holidays and I knew that I was too busy to go back.

I sent Merry Christmases back and one to Harley and Lilith, also telling her that I was done. Just when I thought I was happy, she texted something that made my emotions flip: 'So are you going to the party?'

"Fuck!" I yelled. I began to reply, 'Wanna come?'

'You do realize I'm in China?' she texted, sending a quick photo of her food that I liked. 'You gotta go by yourself. You already have your dresses. You're going with the red one, right?'


'Good luck.'

Putting a thumbs up on her last text, I went to Chris's contact and stared at the previous conversation that dated two days ago. It then showed the Charlie Brown Christmas gif he sent with a lot of emojis below it. I didn't respond, thinking about the party that I wasn't sure if I was going to and he knew that.

I set down my phone and went to the kitchen to eat the pasta I made for dinner last night. It was tomato and garlic base with cheese and milk mixed with the penne, so when I heated it, it was creamy. Sometimes, food tasted better the day after it was made, and eating it made me feel better. It cleared my mind and helped me think, but unfortunately, this food for thought idea was dumb.

"Fuck it, I'm going."


It sucked that I had to drive in a long, straight gown, stepping on each pedal in heels. If I knew I was going before, I would've called for a chauffeur but it was all unprecedented.

I pulled up to the curb and the valet came to my door and opened it, a smile on his face as he took my keys. The piece of fabric that went around my back and covered my arms to keep me warm was useless, so I quickly entered the house. Luckily, it was warm and the man took the sheer fabric and hung it on the coat rack.

I looked around the large foyer, large staircases erupting from each side and classical music coming from another room. People, celebrities of some sort, that I'd seen before were talking, champagne glasses in their hands and laughing. Petite food went around on trays and everything seemed fake. I knew Robert was better than this, I knew in an hour, he'd get rid of all this nonsense and tell a DJ to blow music through massive speakers.

In the Life of a RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora