December 31, 2022

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In the Life of a Rose...

"I don't think I want to go anymore," I told Lilith who was getting ready.

"That's too damn bad," she responded. "You're going to the greatest party of the year and you're going to have so much fun."

"Chris is the host!"

"Who's been playing games with you this entire time!" she exclaimed. "Play back. And for Lily, who cares. For all we know, she could be on his side.

"Thea," Harley spoke over the phone, "Bak-bak-bitch." Even Lilith agreed.

"Bak-bak," I exhaled. "Bak-bak."

"Alright, get ready," Lilith said.

"Have a great time guys," Harley said. "I wish I could be there."

"We know," Lilith told her. "Love you."

"Love you."

Harley hung up and I stared at the dress hanging in the corner. The ball gown had gold diamonds crested on it with minor silver to shine. It was armless and the neckline was straight but that was a long V going down it that only reached to the bottom of the breastplate. After that, it was a huge ball that had a train to it. Even in the bathroom light, the gown shimmered brightly; it was eye-catching.

My hair- low, sleek bun- and makeup had been done. It was time to put on the glitter flakes on my face and chest, the dress, and this sun piece on my head.

"Hurry up!" Lilith shouted at me.

I rolled my eyes and stood, slipping the dress on and she zipped it. I finished the look and fixed the crown on my head. I also put on glittery shoes and had a phone case that matched everything. When I stood in the mirror, I was happy with my outfit, especially the fact that most of the tattoos were showing.

Lilith was wearing a slim-fitted dress that curved around the bra and leg area. My favorite part of the dress was that it had a transparent corset that had numerous cross-lacing in the back before flowing down her legs.

She slipped on her heels before we headed out to find our driver waiting for us in the big, black car. Unlike her, he drove the normal speed limit so we'd actually make our destination.

"We're already late," she told me. "Henry's texting."

"Tell him that we're fashionably late."

"Like Cinderella?" she questioned and I glared at her. "Shit, sorry."

"It's fine," I breathed. The driver got off the freeway and turned into the highway that lead to the secret path. We checked in with security before he opened the gate to the Mansion.

The car drop-off was now empty since everyone had already arrived. Valet was still there but we didn't need them as our driver said that he would be there when we called. We then climbed the many stairs up to the house. The gentlemen at the double doors spotted us and opened them for us to enter.

Instantly, I saw everyone in gold. It felt like I had entered Mount Olympus and was met with gods and goddesses. Especially for Kendall Jenner who was in a fairy outfit and her sister in a constructed gown. All of their eyes fell on Lilith and me and gazed at the rest of them. I looked up to the man in the middle of the stairs whom I interrupted his toast. He fixed his white and gold suit to make up for the awkward silence before continuing. I was sure he had much more to say but in under a minute, he gestured that he was finished and we applauded.

When the party resumed to normalcy, I watched as Chris came down the steps and stood in my line of sight. He was starting to come toward me and I took my friends' advice to turn this game around. To my luck, David had come and I immediately went towards him and greeted him with a kiss... on the lips.

"Hey," he breathed when I pulled away. "You're late. You're rarely ever late, what's wrong?"

"Indecisiveness," I chuckled.

"I'm going to guess it was because of your outfit and to make you feel better, you look amazing," he blurted. "Did you see all those eyes on you? I was standing with Dylan O'Brien and in an instant, he fell in love."

"Oh my gosh, stop it," I blushed, playing slapping his chest. I felt the material of his golden-flaked suit and smirked, "This is nice." To be honest, he was the only one wearing black. The gold design sat on top of a black suit and his pants were the same color. At least he wore gold accessories to fit the theme.

"Okay, Persephone and Hades," Lilith said, rolling her eyes. "I have to go find Henry. Bye!"

"Bye," David and I said.

"Did you know your ex was the host?" he asked me.

"I barely found out."

"The fact that he did all of those things makes me feel..."

"How is that supposed to me you feel?" I questioned.

"No, I didn't mean it like that," he shook his head. "He's been doing weird shit. First: him walking in on us making out, then, he dances with you and wants to pick you up. Like, what the fuck? On top of that, he lets Lily throw herself at him when he clearly- never mind. He's a dick."

"David, are you jealous?"

"No. I'm just trying to see the things that you can't see," he answered.

"I don't need you doing that for me, okay?" I assured him. "I-I just don't know why he can't text me instead of throwing huge ass parties."

"Oh, so, he's been throwing the parties for you?!" he whisper-shouted. "What the hell has been going on? Why haven't you told me?"

"Probably because you're not my boyfriend." I pivoted, wanting to walk away, but he grasped my arm, pulling me back. "Let go of me."

"Hey, what's your problem?" Chris came to ask. Because of him and everyone watching, David slowly released his fingers from me. "I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

"Fine, whatever," he shrugged. "Thea, you coming?" My mouth fell agape as I stared at him. "Are you coming?"

Chris took a step forward toward David and uttered, "Get the fuck out of my house."

I didn't do anything and just mouthed, "Sorry."

He pursed his lips, accepting my answer, and when he glared at Chris, he scoffed. Everyone watched as the doors opened and he walked out, stumbling down the steps.

Chris turned to me to ask, "Are you okay?" as everyone continued their conversations.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I brushed off the former situation and furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Why didn't you just tell me or invite me sooner? This whole mystery-man shit was irritating."

"I know, but you liked it," he said. "You like the fact that I'm throwing these parties for you, you like how I'm watching your every move, you like it all, Thea. The one thing that you hate about it is Lily. And to answer your upcoming question, she was part of the scheme. I wanted to make you think that she wanted me and I gave in to make you jealous. How do you think I feel seeing you and that jackass fucking around? Shit! when I caught you two in one of the rooms, I wanted to tear him apart but I didn't. I wanted to wait a little longer, especially for the night we danced together- that was sweet.

"When I saw you at the park, gosh! I wanted to run up to you and kiss you. For your information, Lily and I were planning this party not on an ice cream date as the headlines say. All I'm trying to say, Thea, is that I'm still crazy about you. After a month since we broke up, with a lot of thinking, I realized it was the biggest regret I'd ever made. So then, I started planning. I was truly devastated that you didn't show up to the first party so I threw another, then another, and a few more until you came on Halloween. It's safe to say that I'm actively still in love with you and I don't think it'll ever stop."

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