October 31, 2022

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In the Life of a Rose...

My stylist, Michelle, had finished cornrowing my hair and sewing the extra braids in before gluing down a lace, green wig. As she waited for it to dry, she moved on to my makeup. She started with a dark green smokey-eye look before drawing out the blue triangle on the tops and bottoms of my eyes. Then, she painted my entire face white and made sure not to overlap the other colors. She covered my eyebrows in a red liquid liner and painted my nose and lips, stretching the smile across my cheeks.

I smiled in the mirror, showing my pearly whites, and was content with my look. Michelle proceeded to spray my hair so it stayed wet and combed it all back. When she finished, I stood and went over to my outfit that was laid on the bed.

"Lilith, are you done?" I asked across the hall.

"Have you even started?" she replied.

"I'm putting on my clothes." I tucked in the green button-down and put on the mustard-colored vest that fitted me well. Michelle helped me with the red jacket and she fixed my collar.

"You look amazing," she said.

"Thank you," I responded. I sat down to put on a pair of brown heels because I didn't want to wear clown shoes.

Waltzing through the door, Lilith appeared in a burgundy coat that overlapped a black interior and struck her cane out. She slid down oval sunglasses to reveal her eyes and she smirked, tipping her top hat.

"How do I look?" she asked.

"Great," I answered. "Now, we're ready to go."

"Bye Michelle!" Lilith shouted as we went downstairs. "Let's grab some food to absorb our drinks."

"I still don't drink."

She lightly laughed as we got into her sports car; a Chevy Corvette. The exterior was a rich, night blue, and the interior was filled with black leather. She sped out of the driveway and swerved onto the street as if she was in Fast and Furious.

Her idea of food was just McDonald's and we showed up at the window, looking interesting. The worker actually gasped when she saw me but then she complimented my look. After we got our food, we parked in the lot to eat.

"So, who's hosting this party, and where is it?" I asked.

"Ya know how in Crazy Rich Asians, they go into the middle of nowhere?" she began and I nodded. "Yeah, it's like that. I looked at the address and the place was covered in trees."

"And who's hosting?"

"I don't know, we'll have to see."

"This is exactly how we get kidnapped," I stated, shouting fries into my mouth. "Let's hope I'm wrong."

I was wrong. When we drove through the massive gates, we reached this mansion with LED lights shining on the front. We could hear faint music thudding from the source and people were drawn to it like moths to light. From the looks of it, the cars that were being valeted were expressive and the costumes were high quality.

I got out of the car and Lilith did the same to pass the keys to the man who drove away. Settling into my Joker persona, I limped up the stairs and leaned back to cackle as my manager took a picture of me. I was surprised there were no real photographers so I assumed it was extremely private.

It was so private that the bouncer asked for our invitations and he took them and burned them as the arouse of the party. Walking in, we entered the dark hall with lights and smoke, and music blasting. The guests were dancing in the center or on the stairs, holding drinks from the bar in the corner.

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