August 1, 2020

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In the Life of a Rose...

I heard the door creak open and I thought it was the bathroom so I ignored it. I couldn't fall back asleep in case it was a murder so I stirred awake to see Chris standing in front of the bed in some stealth position; Dodger was next to him wagging his tail.

"What- never mind," I sighed and laid back down. I knew that it was my birthday and Chris was trying to get his revenge. I pretended to fall back asleep so he could get his glory by jumping onto the bed and waking me up.

I just laid there, flopping up and down since Chris was a heavy guy, making deep impressions in the mattress. Dodger came over and started licking my face and I groaned, lifting to push him off and cuddle him.

Chris then sat down and relaxed in the bed. Dodger just sat between us and Chris took a picture to post on his Instagram that I followed. The page was filled with pictures of nature and his dog and it was nice and sweet as he wanted it to be.

"Happy Birthday, Country Club," he told me. After he had watched Outerbanks with me and the story I had told him, he had stuck with this absurd nickname. It was fine since I called him Pretty Face a few times.

"Thank you."

"To start your day, I have a smoothie waiting for you, and then we'll take Dodger on a walk. So, wear something comfortable," he told me.

I nodded, watching as he called Dodger to follow and he pranced off the bed. I waited for them to leave and got out of bed and went into the bathroom to wash my face. I put on a little bit of makeup and wore leggings and a warm blue flannel that hugged my body. I slipped on some Nike's and walked out.

I stopped when I saw Chris with a red flannel over his white t-shirt and I tilted my head. "No, you gotta go back and change."

"They're different colors," he justified. "Would it be so bad if we're matching?"

"Twin telepathy," I said. He chuckled and gave me my smoothie which I drank for breakfast. It was good but the banana overpowered it as usual.

"Let's go."

I grabbed the keys and he took a hold of the leash, pulling Dodger, and I closed the door before we could walk. I put on my mask and so did Chris just in case we encountered someone.

I took a hold of Dodger's leash to keep my hand busy so it wouldn't brush against Chris' hand. For some reason, Dodger turned on the corner that led to the park and I let him make his own path.

"I guess we're gonna go to the Common," I laughed.

When we reached the national park, there were a few people there walking dogs, masks, and social distancing—the new norms. It was a little weird after not being in public for a while but I had to get used to it.

I knelt and unhooked the leash from Dodger's collar and when I stood, he bolted away from us. Chris chuckled with a sigh as we watched Dodger run with the other dogs, leading a pack of them around the park.

Chris and I began walking on the pavement that circled the perimeter of the grass. We saw two children playing in the playground enjoying their time for a few minutes before their parents called them when more kids came in. I knew it was for COVID reasons; no one wanted to get it.

"Someone's taking pictures," I said, seeing a woman on a bench trying to hide her phone behind her drink.

"Just ignore them, okay?"

"How can I? Wherever you go, they always follow."

"Weren't you the one that said you didn't mind?" he inquired. I cheesed at him when he whipped out his phone to start taking pictures of me from every angle. "Imma post this one: Happy Birthday @Thea._Davis."

In the Life of a RoseWhere stories live. Discover now