March 21, 2020

15 3 0

In the Life of a Rose...

'We just uncovered the masked mistress with Chris Evans leaving the airport,' the E-News article said. 'It's Thea Davis. They've been spotted around award shows and other events together. Why would he fly her over to his hometown? They make the talk of 2020 better. This new couple will be the highlight of our lives.'

"Chris!" I shouted, running out of my room. He licked his fingers from the pancake syrup and looked over at the screen I was shoving in his face.

"Chill," he said. I calmed down and he read it, a blank expression falling on his face. "Oh."

"Exactly what I said," I stated. "I gotta call Lilith."

"Same here. I haven't looked at my phone yet so my publicity manager is probably blowing up my notifications."

I left the kitchen and sat on a couch in the living room, waiting for Lilith to answer. "Did you see the news?"

"Yeah, that's why I was calling."

"It's all over Twitter too. How do you want to respond to that?"

I glanced at Chris who looked back at me. "We're not dating, so tell 'em that. Even if we might be on lockdown together, that doesn't mean anything either."


It was silent over the phone for a bit and I assumed she was writing down notes to make a statement on my verified Twitter page; obviously, I had a separate one.

"Anyway, how are you and your family?" I asked, tossing my braids to one side.

"They're doing good. I just talked to them and they're fine with all this bullshit going on."

"That's good."

"Aright. I'll get you and Mr. America's shit cleared," Lilith told me, making me stifle a chuckle. "Bye."

"Bye." I tossed my phone across the couch and lay back, exhausting a loud sigh.

"How'd it go?" Chris asked, hovering over me as he leaned on the back of the couch.

"Well," I answered. "I'm actually amazed at all of the information they gathered. They have pictures of us at La Michoacana, the Golden Globes, Oscars, and the airport. Once they investigated and found it was me, they drop the bomb on the media: Omg Thea and Chris are together! Ah!" He laughed.

Finally calming down, he said, "I'm sorry about that."

"It's whatever now. I have bigger problems to face."

"Like what?"

"What am I going to eat for breakfast?" I stated. "And also, COVID."

"Yeah, that too," he agreed. "For breakfast," he began, clapping, "we have a fluffy delight to pour some sugary glaze on top with a side of a rooster's baby and some pig's crisped skin."

"Woah," I exhaled, going over to the kitchen. I saw his delicacy on a plate and he began plating mine. "Last time I checked, we didn't have eggs." He looked at me as he squeezed syrup on my pancakes and poured orange juice into my cup. "Where'd you get them?"

"I went to the store and got them."

I exaggerated a puking noise and held my stomach. "You went outside?!"

"Yeah. They said we could as long as we wear a mask," he told me.

"No, you went outside. Into the unknown."

"Okay Elsa," he joked. "C'mon, your pancakes are getting soggy."

I glared at him and pulled the plate and cup close to me to eat. "What else did you get from the store, Mr. Adventurous?"

In the Life of a RoseWhere stories live. Discover now