August 25, 2023

8 3 0

In the Life of a Rose...

I was sitting in my living room watch a popular film and I didn't understand why it was so good. It was probably because the number of famous actors in it. To me, the directing and storyline was terrible; it didn't follow up. Then, Pete Davidson and James Corden randomly showed up to crack some jokes even though it was a serious escape situation.

"Holy fuck!" I cursed. It was a burden to start it and I forced myself to finish it. I was more excited to write the review on how dreadful the movie was and I went on and on about it. I maliciously grinned before sending it to my editor that would later publish it.

"How bad was it?" Chris asked after opening the door to come inside. Cerberus bombarded him at first until he smiled him and calmed down, wanting to be pet.

"It was worse than Green Lantern," I replied. I patted next to me but Cerberus got there before Chris could and he evidently became a cock-blocker.

He leaned over and pecked me on the lips. My phone that was sitting on the coffee table buzzed and it lit up to show a message from David. The two males in the room both looked at it and I immediately froze, holding my breath.

"You're still talking to that asshole?"

"Chris, don't," I stated. I reached for it and when my phone scanned my face, it showed that he had only set me a TikTok; something harmless. "It was only a TikTok."

"Same thing with 'happy birthday.' It's the first way to get back to someone."

My mouth hangs open and I furrow my eyebrows at him. I scoff and stay on my phone a bit to watch the TikTok he sent. I felt Chris's eyes prying in my as I watched it, laughed, watched it again, and it continued to play as I read the comments.

David proceeds to send me another message and this time, it's a voice memo, 'Vamos a La Michoacana.'

"Thea," he growls, his eyes tipping towards fury and rage.

"What? It's not like you're the first person I've taken to that place," I blurt. I audibly gasp and hold my breath again, trying to tell him I regretted saying that but he didn't take the hint.

"Oh seriously?" he retorts, standing up.

"Chris, I'm sorry," I sincerely apologize. I take a deep breath before continuing, "He came over a couple weeks ago and we talked. But it was only to settle things over. We're happy for each other, that's all."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" he chuckled dryly. "Why are you only telling me this now? Christ, Thea, even when I encounter my one of my exes, I tell you."

"It's only because he shared something with me that's not my secret to tell," I explained. my voice was quivering now. "But I'm telling you now... the important parts."

"You should have just told me."

I look at him with a water filling my eyes, and I tilt my head the same way Cerberus was doing to me. I close my laptop and turn off the tv before heading to my room. After I closed the door, my tears couldn't help from going down my cheeks and I wiped them.

I rush to the bathroom and look at my red eyes, sniffling. I hear heavy footsteps in the hallway and the door to my room open as he comes in. I open the door and keep my distance by staying in the frame and be stands across from me, in front of the bed.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I apologize after clearing my throat.

"Same here... for my terrible reaction."

"Understandable." He tried to stepped forward but I backed away and lifted my arms to cross, one hand rubbing my skin. "I think imma shower."


"Maybe... we can watch a movie after?" I asked. "Especially after the bullshit I just witnessed right now, I need to wash it out of my brain."

"How about Cinderella?"

I smirked and softly smiled, "You know me so well."

"Front and back." I loosen up at his warm words and he approaches me to give me a tight hug and I wrap my arms around his waist, us rocking back and forth. He then slaps my ass and I yelp; "I told you, front and back."

"I thought we were keeping this PG," I said.

I wasn't surprised when he joined me in the shower and stayed with me to do my nighttime skin-care routine. I still had a shower cap on my head because I didn't want to ruin my kinky curls that stayed in ny hair. In the topic of hair, I ended up combing out Chris's beard with oils in it.

"Don't be surprised when you wake up with face full of hair," I said.

"Yeah, after I eat your pussy."

"Chris!" I exclaimed, rolling ny eyes. I set down the comb and he forced himself between my legs, lifting them around his waist.

"'Member when we fucked in Mackie's bathroom?" he huffed against my skin. I rolled my eyes again and leaned against one arm, my other hand stroking his beard and the rest of his face.

"Yeah," I hum. "Can I ask?"


"Are we still going to watch Cinderella?"

"Nope," he said, popping the p. With his teeth, he pulled apart my towel and it fell onto the counter. My hand went to the back of his head when he leaned down and glided his tongue against wings of ny heart.

A stifled moan escapes from my lips and he continues from my exclamations. With his tongue one place, he fingers went into another. He wrapped his arms around my body and lifted me, carrying me to the bed where he tossed me onto the mattress.

Before he could climb onto me, I turned onto him, sitting in his lap. I pushed him down so that he wouldn't take control over me. I couldn't accept the things he did to me so I had to change it. I had to be the sun, controlling the life of the rose from when I opened, bloomed, wilted, and rotted, again, and again, and again. My life was measured with light, a final breath- and what would happen next year? I had guessed wrong last time but maybe the next, it would be right. Of course, it was all about time.

In the Life of a RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora