February 9, 2020

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In the Life of a Rose...

It was the night I was stressing over since last year; the 92nd Academy Awards. The night where every invited person in the film industry came to watch as their film is nominated for an award and possibly get it. From the actors to the music and makeup, everyone was recognized for their work.

The black Chevy Escalade I was in pulled up to the front of the long driveway and I was helped out of the car since my dress was wide. The burnt orange satin wasn't heavy and the gold vines and flowers weren't itchy so I felt comfortable in the dress.

Lights and cameras, per usual, flashing everywhere. Even though the sun was still out, setting on the horizon, the artificial ones were brighter.

The Golden Globes was substandard to this and I had given some kind of love to it but this event, I had to give it my all. The slick, low bun had pulled my face back, defining my diamond structure and all I could do was tilt my head to the right for the best angle. I turned so my gold earrings could dangle and I lightly smiled as my picture was getting taken.

I laughed as if something was funny and I felt like the posh people I despised. Honestly, acting like them was more enjoyable than being them.

Once the interviews were over, we entered the Dolby Theatre and I found my seat. It was in the back, away from the main actors, with many other movie critics and some directors. I sat next to Zack Snyder and his wife, amongst a few other people I didn't know.

Luckily, I had eaten a good meal before so when the show started, I was perfectly fine. I basically, disassociated for some parts; I was alive but dead, monotonously clapping when everyone else did.

When the show went to commercial break, Zack turned over to me, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just easily bored."

"I know something that could make you think a bit," he began in a low voice, "I'm going to film a new Justice League, my version."

"Really?" I said, filled with excitement. "It better be good, because the last one was shit."

"I know," he nodded. "It's the same storyline just more parts and my vision in control. They told me not to film more anything just use some of the cut-out scenes but I don't care. If I get fined, oh well."

"Yeah," I said. "The whole point of being a director is to make people see your imagination. Whatever the screenwriters give you, you put it to your own interpretation." He smiled. "I'm looking forward to watching it. It's going to be different since I'll have something to compare it to."

"You can call it the Joss Whedon version," he leaned over to say and we laughed at his sense of secrecy.

After some more talking, a stagehand came and collected me to go backstage. I was confused because I was never told pre-show that I was doing anything important. Until now, I never knew that I was announcing the winner with Chris Evans.

"What's going on?" I frantically asked Chris.

"Jennifer Lopez didn't show," he told me. "I can't do it by myself because..."

"Because what? You can't carry the card and award at the same time? I know your suit has deep pockets."

He slightly chuckled at my comment, "The award comes after."

"Then what do you need me for?" I could see the plead in his eyes. "Fine."

"Just read the teleprompter," the stagehand said. "We didn't have time to put your name so just read whatever says JLo."

I nodded and the automated voice said our names for us to come out. I walked beside Chris in his velvet suit jacket clashing against my dark orange, and we reached the tiny microphone.

"Good evening Captain," I said with a smile on my face, reading the moving words on the far screen.

"Good evening ma'am."

"Tonight, we are here to commemorate the people who were recognized in their roles. This category doesn't go to the main character but, the secondary character."

"Here are the nominees for the best actress in their supporting role," Chris said and the theatre darkened to present the clips on the back screen.

When the video was over, Chris opened the red envelope and showed me the name, giving me the honors to say, "Laura Dern; Marriage Story." We began to clap, igniting the audience to do so and she stood, shaking the hands of the other nominees as she came up the stage.

Someone from backstage came to the front with the award and handed it to her and she and I hugged before turning to the microphone. Chris and I, and the trophy-bearer, moved to the side of the circle traced in the stage as she said her speech.

When she finished, everyone applauded once more as we escorted her off the stage. Once I was safely behind the side curtains, I took a deep breath before privately congratulating Laura on her win.

"I watched the film and I absolutely loved your performance," I said with a wide smile.

"Thank you. Coming from you means a lot," she nodded. She gazed wondrously at the award in her hand and I could see the glimmer in her eyes at the accomplishment. "Uh, I'm just so happy."

"You should be."

"Alright, please get back to your seats," someone called. I said a final goodbye before being accompanied by Chris whom I'd held his arm as I descended the short steps. We reached the pews of the theatre and I had to depart from him to return to my seat.

"You did good," Zack's wife complimented.

"Thank you."

I looked towards the front row where I saw the back of Chris' head and I caught him turning around and I pretended as if I didn't see him looking at me as I sat down. The show resumed and I fell back into my mindless life.

Things fell back into place when Regina King was called up as a winner and I joined in on the applaud. On the side screens of the cameras capturing the front row, I blushed when Chris, a gentleman, helped Regina up the stairs. I smiled to myself, knowing that he had just done that with me and he was kind to do it with her and just anyone else.


"What a sweet gentleman," I teased at Chris after the show.

"Stop," he dragged out. "I couldn't help it, her dress was getting tangled and-"

"I know, it was sweet."

"Did you invite anyone?" he asked, noticing I was alone.

"They've all already come," I said. "They prefer watching it on tv and I kinda do too." He lightly laughed at my last comment. "What about you?"

"I brought my ma and my best friend, Tara," he told me. "They're somewhere."

"I hope I get to meet them someday."

"Me too, with your family and friends."

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