March 5, 2021

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In the Life of a Rose...

I had landed in LA and gotten a taxi to Chris's place in Hollywood. He had left his other place and gotten a smaller, more reserved house. I wasn't surprised that it had massive one-way windows. The interior was cold and covered in slate and hardwood. I would've said it was a loft but there were barriers and a staircase.

When I walked through the front door, I was met with the living room on my left and the stairs in front of me. One wrong step and I'd fall right through. Behind the stairs was the bathroom, kitchen, and an office-like corner. There were windows right next to it which slid open to the backyard. When I went to the second floor, there was another lounging area before the rest of the rooms.

Out of the three, one of them was Chris' and I chose the second largest guest room. It had its own bathroom and massive walk-in closet where I placed my suitcases. Sitting on the bench in the closet, I called Chris to him that I was at his place.

"It's nice," I said. "I'm surprised we don't share a bathroom."

"I know," he chuckled. "Get comfortable, that place is..."



"Why'd you get it then if it doesn't suit your likes?" I asked. "It's totally different than your Boston house."

"I know," I sighed. "You can't find anything warm and cozy in those areas."

"Yeah," I said. "I have to go, Imma call my mom and probably go to sleep after."

"Don't forget to have dinner," he added. "Bye babe."

I smiled at his last words when he hung up. I waited for my mom to pick up and I finally updated her on my life: my relationship status, my job, and my location; she was happy about everything. I then asked if she and my dad could bring over my car as they came to visit and she agreed.

When I hung up, I ordered some dinner since I didn't feel like cooking and sushi was the best option. As I waited, I was on the phone with Lilith who was telling me the date and time I was meeting with David Rockwell.

'Okay, thank you,' I replied. The doorbell rang and I grabbed my food and sat on the couch, enjoying it and myself as I watched some tv.


I had finished straightening out the wig I was wearing and I did my edges and my makeup to complete my face look. For clothing, I put on this brown oversized suit with thin white lines scarcely decorating it. On the inside of the jacket, I had a white tank top underneath and it matched the heels I put on.

I grabbed a dark brown person and sunshades for the meeting. My parents had come last last night and I let them stay in a spare room—which Chris didn't mind— and I told them I was going to be out most of the day and would could spend time together tonight or probably tomorrow.

Practically squealing when I sat in my Camaro, I started the loud engine that felt like music to my ears. I had used Chris's car with all the high-tech features but I preferred the old versions. I looked at the gas tank and saw that it was low. Luckily, I was extremely early and had time to get gas and even stop for some breakfast.

On my way to the station, I picked up a breakfast sandwich and coffee to eat. I sipped some coffee at a red light and I didn't mind having the hood of my car down until someone next to me was calling my name.

"Aren't you Chris Evans' girlfriend?" she asked. I could tell she was a teenager by her looks and she was riding with her mother playing Drivers License.

"Whatever you want," was my only response. I didn't know if it was appropriate to say yes and I didn't want to lie knowing in my heart how much it was true.

When the light turned green, I stepped on the gas and sped out with my low tank. Thankfully, my engine didn't die on my when I reached the gas station. I got out and put the nozzle in the hole behind the license plate. I heard sputtering and it wasn't from my car but from cameras in the distance. They were taking pictures of me and I just stared, my eyes hidden underneath dark sunglasses and my gaping mouth behind a mask.

The gas machine stopped filling up and I paid. Ignoring the photographers who hadn't come up to me yet, I drove out of the lot and down the main boulevard. I reached the Union Station and parked on the curb and entered.

"Ms. Davis?" a man said and I knew it wasn't the person I was meeting. I nodded and he led me to where the man of the hour was.

"Oh, you must be Thea," David said, standing from his coffee table as he put on his face shield. I had a mask on which matched my outfit.

"Hi, David," I said, shaking his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you in person."

"Likewise. Let's get into it." He led me to another room, in this case, a hall where the entire auditorium. From where we were standing, it was the second floor that had a few steps descending to the main floor with a stage.

"And the tables are going to be here?" I asked and he nodded.

"I was thinking some U-shaped booths on the step and others two or three seats," he told me. "And these yellow lights."

I unbuttoned my suit jacket and pushed them aside as I slid my hands into the pant's pockets. As we talked about the designs and what-not, he even showed me the material of cushions he was thinking about and the hardwood tables.

I sat at a chair as he showed me the colors of the cushions. He was in between black and royal and blue until the blue conquered and he decided to make the backdrop the same color too.

I never assumed it would take an hour because once we were over, the sun was almost down. We said our goodbyes and he'd have the rest of the next few weeks to get the plan started. I did have to stay until the show so I had let him know that'd I'd be on call if he needed anything.

When I got into my car, I took of my heels and put them in the backseat and clicked the button for the hood to come out and cover the car. It was a slow drive back and I was nearly exhausted; I just wanted to jump into bed and fall asleep.

Shoving my keys into the hole, I opened the door to see my parents stand from the couch, beaming to see me. I set down my bag, shoes, and jacket, and just lounged next to them.

"You look so tired," my mom said.

"I am."

"I made some dinner so why don't I make you a plate and you can go to sleep full?"

"Yes, please," I nearly begged.

"How was your day?" my dad asked.

"Great, it was just long." I stood and made my way to the kitchen to wash my hands. "What's cooking?"

"Mac and cheese, cauliflower, and chicken," my mom listed as she set my plate in front of me. I sat in the bar stool and almost cried as I ate her food that reminded me of home. "I know."

"It's so fucking good," my voice cracked and she began rubbing my back.

"That's exactly what I said," my dad called from the living room. I managed a laugh from my stuffed mouth and continued to eat.

When I finished, I made my way upstairs and took a hot shower. I put on some silk pajamas and wrapped my hair into a bonnet before getting into bed. Right before I was about to sleep, a got a text from Chris: 'Goodnight babe.'

'Goodnight,' I tried to reply. Sleep got the best of me and I don't remember responding.

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