11. I Still See You

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Admittedly, I came to school very proud of myself for not going looking for Juliet the rest of that week. Even after Charlene came and asked me about our meeting. My feelings were still all jumbled up... Mostly, I feared regretting not taking my shot with her. I just couldn't get over her age. My conscience wouldn't let me. It was Assembly... I wanted to skip it altogether, standing frozen at the hall door. Carl and Charlene were already sitting. That week in their computer class. They had spoken about not hearing from Juliet and seemed worried.

After she disappeared, I had to stop myself from obsessing... It did seem like she knew exactly what was going on. If she couldn't come to school because I touched her and made it happen. I felt terrible, but what was I supposed to do. All I could do was hope that she was okay.

I decided to sit down in my usual spot, looking out over the crowd. Sita was staring at me. I frowned at the uncommon bid for connection. She would soon be my ex-wife. I went to see an attorney and got the ball rolling to get the hell out of there. Running from everything seemed like an excellent idea. The bell rang, and the last of the kids sat down. Juliet was still not among her friends. Something in my gut churned. I stared at the spot she would usually fill. I was stupid that day, trying to close the gap between us. Pushing her to reveal feelings she was reluctant to share. My actions did change our whole relationship. Maybe she couldn't face me anymore. Too scared of what I would do... Would she move schools?

If I could just tell her I was leaving. I had talked to Sita... She didn't say much about my suggestion of divorce. She ignored me and buried it in a deep hole, like so much of our relationship.

The principal came up to the microphone to introduce a new French teacher. A Louis Du Pont. There was an immediate murmur under the kids around me and in the gallery. He would be popular. Dark brown hair. Too long and styled with way too much product for my taste. His clothes were over the top... Where did the guy think he was. Paris? I scoffed at him.

I scanned the floor... Juliet still hadn't taken her place. I even checked all the doors around me where she sometimes stood. Thinking it probably had to do with her ability. That was what I called it... Juliet's ability.

My eye caught movement over the courtyard. A student was approaching a door on the side of the building. She had difficulty walking and seemed weak and sickly. I was shocked when the dark circles around her eyes became more apparent as she got closer. She had a bandage wrapped around one arm and some other cuts. If it was at all possible, Juliet had lost weight. I wanted to get up and run to her. Ask her if she was okay. Despite all my inner conflict, I didn't move. I had no right to do it. I had not cared that whole week. She was hurt, and I didn't even know.

Juliet stood at one of the doors, leaning on the frame like always, staring at the stage. Something had got her attention, and she had moved forward a step and stood frozen. My gaze traveled to what she had seen. Louis Du Pont looked right at her. He lifted his hand a little and waved next to his thigh. Like he was doing it in secret. He smiled at her, and the murmur of the girls started up again. Juliet frowned for a second and lowered her head. She shook it from side to side, smiling. What the hell was that? I almost lost it when she put some of her hair behind her ear like she was... Flirting?! I would kill him if he ever touched her. He was older than me.

Juliet scanned the crowd, fixing on Charlene and Carl, who weren't paying attention. Too busy on their phones. Juliet took out hers and typed something on the screen. Both looked up immediately, trying to find her. They jumped up and made their way across the floor. Not caring about what the teachers would say. They both pulled her by the arm out into the courtyard. She winced and staggered. My fists balled. What was wrong with her? It seemed like it was the first time they had seen her since that day. But she was all beaten up, and she had disappeared right in front of me. Were the bruises because of what happened? Is that why she looked so panicked? Did it hurt her to disappear? She looked fine in the street that day. That was why I didn't worry too much.

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