Ch. 07

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Nash's POV

I was playing Candy crush on my phone when there was a knock at my door.

"Yeah" I said yelling .

Hayes walked in and sat beside me on the bed.

"Can I talk to u?" He said.

"What about?" I asked Concerned.

"Jaiden." He said determined.

"What about her?" I asked.

"I think I might like her..." He looked away and said.

"I knew u did, I could tell by the way u looked at her plus I saw u in front of the house." I stated.

"U did.... Did our moms see????" He asked jumping up.

"Nah, just me. Calm down." I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"What should I do? How do I tell her? We kissed on the Ferris Wheel. Do u think she likes me back?" He asked really fast and rubbing his head.

"Woah u kissed her on the Ferris Wheel.... GO BOYYYY!!" I said making him laugh.

"I'm being serious." He said smiling and blushing.

"Okay here's what you'll do......."I said being really serious.

Jaiden's POV

I went down stairs to get a snack and I see my mom cleaning the kitchen. "Hey mom need some help?" I asked. "No not today but I was wondering if u wanted to help me tommorow, cleaning up a bit....... to make a good impression. I'll even pay u. She said looking at me for my answer. "No problem just let me know when u need help." I said grabbing an orange, a paper towel, and a knife, while turning around. "Oh and Jaiden..." She said making me turn around. "Yeah mom?" I asked while putting the orange, paper towel, and knife on the counter. "So what's up with the whole Hayes thing?" She asked while smiling and raising her right eyebrow.
"Oh nothing, we're just friends. Plus he probably don't like me like that." I said while looking at my feet. "Well I see the way y'all look at each other and I just want u to know u can tell me anything." She said in a mom voice. "I know i love u mom, night!" I said while managing to kiss her cheek. "Love u too! Night. I'll let u know when I need u." She said and then continued to clean the kitchen.

I picked up my stuff grabbed a caprison out of the fridge and made my way to my room.

I sat on my bad peeling my orange and thinking about tonight, the Ferris wheel, and the kiss. When I was finished peeling the orange. I put the knife down and pulled the orange wedges apart. I laid back in my bed and got my Mac book out. I then txted Holly and Lauren on a group chat...

Me: Hey guys, y'all wanna video chat? I know it's 11 o'clock but this is the only free time I had today....

Lauren❤: Sure babe, Holly's over so we don't have to use 3 computers..

(Babe in a friendship kinda way)

Holly♡: I'm cool with a video chat!! We wanna know everything!!

Me: Thank you guys so much I will call in a min!! Love yall!

I opened my computer and plugged the charger in the wall and then the other end into my computer.

I turned it on and Facetimed Lauren.

**video call**
(When I say 'Lauren and holly' that means they said it at the same time)


Lauren: Tell us every thing!!!

Holly: Spill!!!

Me: Okay.... I got off the plane. We drove here and unpacked the car and putting a million bags in front of the door. Mrs. Elizabeth greets me. And she calls 'The Boys' to help me with my bags! They come down stairs and have a mini heart attack! They help take my stuff to my room and Hayes says he will give me a house tour whenever I wanted one. So I unpack and ask for the house tour. Okay this house is like a freaking Mansion, a million rooms, a pool, everything! We'll as we were walking down stairs for the rest of tour and I trip and fall.... u know me.... well he catches me and gueesss whattttt!

Lauren and Holly: OMG CONTINUE!!!!

Me: He asks me to the carnival!!!

***we all scream***

Me: well yeah when he asked me I kinda fainted... and so yeah. When I woke up I got ready and we left for the carnival. We rode our penny boards. And we got their rode all the rides and the Ferris wheel last.... when we were at the top of the Ferris wheel it stopped and he leaned in and Kissed me well I did the same and we kissed foe a good solid 2 minutes.. we got off came here he kissed me before we came in the house and when we were upstairs alone....

Lauren: I wish my first kiss was with 'THE HAYES GRIER' !!!!!!!

Holly: I wanna visit like sooooooon!!!!

Me: Omg do y'all wanna meet them!!!

Lauren and Holly: Them?

Me: Nash and Hayes!

Lauren and Holly: of coarse!!!!!!

I walked out of my room and down the hall way to Nash's room, with their giggles coming from my computer... I knock on the door and open it, "Hey guys my friends wanted to meet u, do u mind?"I asked with the computer faced towards me.
"No we dont" They both said as I turned my computer around.


They literally go nuts....
Hayes and Nash are just blushing and smiling...

Me: Calm down! Calm down! Breathe! Breathe!

Hayes and Nash start laughing and say "Hi nice too meet yall"

Lauren amd Holly: Omg nice to meet u tooooooo!

Me: Yeah so I'm gonna go to bed talk to u tommorow??

Lauren and Holly: of coarse!! Love u!!

Me: Love u tooo!! Byeee!!

I shut my computer and stood up from Nash's bed.

"Well that's not what I expected. ..." I said while laughing.

"Yeah it happens alot!" Nash says while winking.

"Yeah we love our fans!" Hayes said.

"Well I'm going to bed so night guys!" I said while leaving Nash's room and taking my computer.

I walk back to my room and lay my computer down on my desk and hop in my bed and almost instantly sleep took over....

So how was that chapter guys??? Let me know what u think!! I will post more later today!! Please vote!! I love y'all!

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