Ch. 26

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Jaiden's POV

~1 month later..~

Me and Lauren hasn't really talked this past month.. it's kinda worrying me. We're bestfriends. I don't wanna lose her. She's kinda been acting different. Her and Shawn finally got together. Which I knew was gonna happen. There so cute together. But I think Shawns getting jealous of Kaeden. Her and Kaeden have been spending alot of time togther. I mean ALOT. She tells him everything. They hang out all the time. And when me and Kaeden broke up she told me that she Kinda liked him 'like that', and thought he was cute. Then Kaeden moves to North Carolina and suddenly their bestfriends?

I don't know what to think anymore. Am I jealous? Well I shouldn't be jealous cause I have a boyfriend that's amazimg. Maybe I'm depressed.. well I have been alittle down latly.. I met this girl at the park about 2 weeks ago. Her name is Ashley. It was kinda weird how we just clicked. I was swinging and she was doing cartwheels and when she was doing one of the back handsprings she sOrta landed on me and I fell out of the swing and we just both stated laughing and we have been friends since then. I havnt been eating latly and its kinda worring me... I just don't have an appetite. I ate a banana this morning.

*phone vibrates in pocket*
(Txting convo)

Shawn♤: Hey, Can we talk?

Me: Yeah, sure. When?

Shawn♤: At the park in 5 minutes.

Me: okay? See u there.

Shawn♤: Thanks Jai.

Me: No problem.

I run up to my room and grab a pair of converses and put them on. I walk outside and head to the park. Once I get there Shawn is turned the opposite way in the swing so he cant see me walking up behind him. "BLAAHHHH" I scream. He jumps And has the weirdest scared to look on his face.. "So whatcha wanna talk about?" I asked. he began to slump in his swing. "It's Lauren.." He states. "Is there something wrong with her?" I said concerned. "Yeah, shes been hanging out with that Kaeden guy that moved here, around the time she did, and its like she doesn't have any time for me anymore.. and he is taking her to a concert on her birthday, when i was going to... he's taking to her to a 5SOS show. And the day before he gave her the tickets he bought, I was gonna give her the ones I bought. But she was to busy hanging out with him to even notice, but see i bought backstage passes and I personally know Luke so i was gonna see if she wanted to go and eat with them after the show.. but Jaiden i think she likes Kaeden more than me.. What do i do?..." He asks. "We'll Shawn I really don't know what to say because I see it too. she just kinda stopped hanging out with me and basically all I can do is talk to her. If she even wants to talk to me.." I said. "She stopped talking to you too?" He asked. "Yeah.. well I gotta go back home. I'll talk to u later if I find out anything.." I said. "Okay thanks Jaiden!" He said as i walked away... What are we gonna do about Lauren?.. everyone can tell she likes Kaeden.. the Question is Does she actually Love Shawn...

-----------AUTHORS NOTE----------


Sorry I haven't been updating!! I have had a lot of school work to do as well as volunteering and soccer practice!! Well stay Tuned to see who Lauren chooses! lemme know who y'all think she gonna pick in the comments..


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