Ch. 25

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Jaiden's POV

Once Kaeden left the pool with Lauren as Cameron showed them out. Me and Hayes got back on the pool and Nash went to the basement with the rest of the guys and Cameron followed him.

Me and Hayes just talk and swam around for about and hour clouds started to in the sky and I wasn't worried but I'm afraid of thunder and lightning so I quickly grabbed my town and phone and ran inside. Hayes was quickly at heels. I ran up the stairs and to my room.

I got under my covers and put the pillows over my ears.. it was thundering extremely bad and making the house shake alittle.. thunder always scared me.. when I was home in Alabama my bestfriend Lauren was my next door neighbor so every time it would thunder I would got to her house or she would come to mine. She lives 2 house's down from the Grier's and I'm wishing she was here right now.. I haven't been in a thunderstorm with out her since I was 5 and it hasnt stormed since I've been in NC.

Hayes walks in my room and asks..

"What's wrong?"

"I haven't been in a thunderstorm with out Lauren since I was 5... she was my thunderbuddy and she always comforted me.." I told him..

He began to type on his phone and said "I'll be right back I promise!"
He left my room.

Hayes' POV

"I haven't been in a thunderstorm with out Lauren since I was 5... she was my thunderbuddy and she always comforted me.." She said to me through the sheets of her bed. I knew what I had to do.

I txted Lauren.

Me: Jaiden needs you can u come over please..

Lauren: thunderstorm?

Me: Yeah how did u know?

Lauren: I know everything a out her she's been my bestfriend for 8 years.. what do u expect.. I'm on my way..

Me: okay I'll meet u in 2 mins.

Lauren: k

I got up. "I'll be right back I promise!" I said to Jaiden and went down stairs. I got an umbrella and met Lauren about to come off of her porch. I figured that since Jaiden and her were thunderbuddy's she didn't like the storm either. She thanked me and went to my house she ran up to Jaiden's room.

Jaiden's POV

I heard footsteps and it was still storming.. I wish Lauren was here but she's been here all day I can't tell her to come over again it would be rude and selfish..

"Babe?" Hayes cooed.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I have a surprise for u.." He whispered.

I came out from under my covers and saw my thunderbuddy standing in front if me..

"LAUREN!!! Omg how fid u know to come over???"

"Well 2 reasons, ur wonderful boyfriend txted me and I'm ur bff amd were thunder buddies... duhh" She said.

"Thunderbudds for life. Thunder only lasts a couple minutes our friendship will last forever and ever and ever no matter what happens the storm rolls on." We said in unison.

We always say that when there is a thunderstorm and I know it's kinda corny but we made it when we were 5 so what do u expect hahaha..

we ended it with a fist bump and every time we fist bump after wards we say "falalalala" just like the blow up robot in the movie 'Big Hero 6' so we say it after each fist bump. We are really weird don't judge.

Hayes just kinda stared at us with a weird look.. we both had to explain the back story of the .. thunderstorm saying we always repeat when there's a thunderstorm. And then the fist bump thing lol. He understood and then he went to his room and gave us time to do our thang.

We talked for what seemed like hours about nothing in particular it just took our mind off the storm. Once we stopped talking we realized the storm was over and I thanked her she said that I could come over when ever there was a storm and I said vise versa. She left and it was about 7pm now so me and Hayes headed down to get something to eat for supper.. we couldn't find anything so we asked the moms if we could order pizza they said we could..

About 15 minutes later the pizza was delivered and me and Hayes sat on the couch.


"Netflix." I said.

<see how I put the scene from 'The fault in our stars' right there lol>

He couldn't decide what to watch so I picked 'the fault in our stars'

1 hour later...

It just got to the part where Gus dies and I was starting to cry.. I was laid on Hayes' chest. We had already finished a box of pizza by ourselves and he was really into the movie. He looked down at me and noticed I was starting to tear up.

He reached down pulled my chin up so I was looking at him then he leaned down and Kissed me.. a million sparks went off in my body as we continued the kiss. It got alittle heated cause we had been kissing for almost 5 minutes as Nash walked in the room catching us mid make out session.

"No PDA in the living room! I have to sit on that couch!" He laughed.

**PDA means Personal Display of Affection**

Me and Hayes started to blush like crazy. At this point the movie was playing the credits. Me and Hayes called it a night it was about 9:15 and we were both really tired it has been a long day for both of us. We kissed one last time once we got upstairs. It lasted for about 5 seconds as we departed from the kiss, he said something that just made me so bubbly inside.

"I love you Jaiden Grace." He whispered. Are foreheads were still touching. And he had both of my hands in his.

"I-I love you too Hayes Grier." I whispered. He gave me a quick his and we both went our separate ways to our rooms.

I got my sleeping clothes on and crawled in my bed. I began to think about my life as I drifted off to sleep...

Dang that was a long chapter! I hit 1100 words..

I love all my warriors fighting through self hamrng issues!! Know ur not alone! My inbox is always open!

Love is a beautiful thing.

8.19.15 (when written)


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