Ch. 28

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Jaiden's POV
Lauren txted me this morning and said she needed to talk about something that she's been going through latly that's confusing her.

"Just come over!!" I begged as we talked on the phone.
"But I don't want to its to farrr..." She said as I imagined her waving her hand towards my house.
"I have donuts....." I bragged
"I'll be over in 5." She stated as she quickly hung up the phone.

About 3 minutes later my door bell rang.

"Well ur early.." I said. "U had donuts. I made time." She said almost outta breathe. "Come on." I smiled as I shut the Door behind her. We ran up to my room and closed the door.

I grabbed the box of Donuts and went to my window/ book nook. She sat in the window and took a donut and shoved it in her mouth. "This. Is. Heaven." She mumbled through the donut In her mouth.

"Now let's talk." I said as I took a bite of my chocolate glazed donut, savering every little sprinkle.

"Okay. Well I'm just gonna come out and say it. I think I might like Kaeden. I mean really like Kaeden."

Laurens POV
"Okay. Well I'm just gonna come out and say it. I think I might like Kaeden. I mean really like Kaeden." I say alittle hesitant.
"Ohh reallly..." Jaiden says as she wiped the chocolate off her face.
"You knew?" I asked kinda confused..
"Yeah Lauren, everyone knows.. you have been blowing everyone off so u can hang with Kaeden.. even Shawn notices..." She says rubbing my shoulder..
"Well thats not all... can I tell u something eles.." I asked..
"Yeah?" She hesitantly agreed.
"Well it all started when we were watching Netflix a couple of days ago...." I started.

"Lauren wanna watch some TV?" Kaeden asked.
"Yeah sure. Whatcha wanna watch?"
"Uhh Paranormal activity? He asked.
"U know I don't like scary movies." I stated.
"I know I'll protect youu." He said with a puppy dog look on his face.
"Okay fine but I'm sitting by u."
"Mission accomplished."

We sat down on the couch in my room and found the movie on Netflix. I snuggled up close to Kaeden with a blanket throwed over us.

The first couple of minute I was already scared. I hid my face in Kaeden's chest. Man he smelled good.

"Thanks?" He said.
"Oh didn't know I said that out loud hehe." I snickered.

Kaeden paused the movie right in the middle.. "why did u pause it?" I asked.
"I need to tell u something." He said.
"I'm listening."
"I like u Lauren. I really like you. And yes I know what ur gonna say. I know I'm crazy and I know I'm only 14 but Lauren all I know is that I want u to be mine." He said looking me in the eyes. "Kaeden you know I have a.." He crashes his lips into mine, cutting me off.
I felt sparks. It was perfect, his thumbs rubbed my cheeks as he passionatly kissed me. It lasted for a good 15 minutes and sparks flew the whole time. My phone vibrates a couple of times during the kiss but I just ignored it. We broke away. I was blushing. "You were saying?" He said with a smerk. "It was nothing." I said as he continued our movie and I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.

~Same night. Shawns POV~
I sent Lauren a txt. I told her that I was at the her doorstep. And i was gonna come in since the door was unlocked. I brought her a single rose. Since I haven't seen her in person for almost 2 days now.

I walk in and and see that no one's home. I walk up the stares calling Laurens name at a whisper. No responce. I walk down the hall and see Laurens door open. I peek in and almost bust into tears. I drop the rose and run out of her house. How could she do this to me?... I txt her again and say that it's not working out that we need to break up. As I type amd the message. My tears make my vision blurry and I run to my house and jump in bed. What a night.

~Back to Larens POV~
In the middle of the movie. I get up and go to the Bathroom. As I walk out of my room I step on something. "Ouchh!" I yell. "You okay?" Kaeden asks. "Yep I just stepped on something." I turn to my left and hit the light switch. Making the lights come on... I look at my foot to see what I stepped on... "A rose?" I mumbled to my self.

~End of Flashback~

What do y'all think? Pretty cool right. I have some plans for the story coming up so don't miss out! Keep reading!

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