Chapter 5

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I wake up in the bed of my cell, slightly disoriented but otherwise fine. More than fine, if the fresh clothes on my body speak of anything.

I sit up slowly and take a look at them. A navy blue blouse of the smoothest, most comfortable fabric I've ever worn is buttoned up to my neck. I let my fingers run over the silk before I can think better of it. Then I pull the blankets which are pooling around my waist away to reveal a black-


Seriously? Why the hell am I dressed up like this? I'm the prisoner of a monster leading a criminal organization. I should be getting tortured and used in I don't know how many ways. Not cleaned and dressed like some doll. They even styled my hair.

As if on cue, someone clears their throat and I realize I'm not alone. My head whips into the direction of the noise though I know who I'll see. Now that I've been made aware of his presence it wouldn't be possible for me to ignore him even if I tried.

He's there, sitting in the chair at the side of my bed as if it were completely normal. His legs are spread widely, his black slacks doing little to conceal the muscles beneath. Shit! Eyes up! Eyes up! The last thing I need is to be caught checking Vincenzo out.

My eyes continue their trail up to the man's face at an achingly slow pace, drinking in the sight of his tanned arms poking out of his white, rolled-up dress shirt and his veiny hands. They linger at the exposed skin of his chest which is showing due to his inability to close his buttons all the way up to the collar.

Ink is what really surprises me. Only the smallest sliver of a tattoo is visible. Just enough for me to know something is there. For me to want to uncover it. I catch myself mid-thought and curse my treacherous mind.

Finally, I take in the sharp edge of his jaw, the softest hint of stubble surrounding his full lips -god, have mercy. Those lips- I follow the hint of his beard until it turns into wavy strands of Raven hair atop his head. Only then do I meet his eyes, willing my face to give nothing of my thoughts away.

"Sofia," he inclines his head pleasantly enough. Although he still pronounces my name weirdly.

I wait for the heat to invade my senses, the idiotic attraction to this monster. Only it doesn't come. Instead, I feel a rush of hatred so strong it makes my head dizzy.

Vincenzo must notice my shift in emotion since his expression changes, eyes sharpening, shoulders straightening. He's solid again. Untouchable. I prefer him this way. It's easier to remember what kind of person he is.

"Vincenzo," I say through gritted teeth.

"I thought you didn't know my name," he taunts, raising a single, perfectly sculpted eyebrow at me. I shrug, regretting my slight slip up already.

The two of us just stare at each other and it's now that I realize there's no guard with us this time. Not just that but the tub I bathed in earlier is gone as well. I wonder how long Vincenzo has watched me sleep.


"Why do your men call you Vince?" I ask. The thought crossed my mind while the life was shampooed out of my hair and the silence is getting awkward.

Also, maybe, I wouldn't completely hate hearing his voice some more. But it's mostly because I want answers.

Vincenzo grits his teeth, exhales roughly while shaking his head, and stares at his clenched fist when he answers. "Americans can't pronounce my name." Before I can say anything on the statement, he lifts a hand. "Enough! You answer my questions!" he snaps. Finally, he meets my eyes again. His dark ones look almost wild, more unhinged than I would have thought possible.

It's not enough for me to shut up though. No, somehow his display of emotions only makes me angrier.

"You don't own me! You can't tell me what to do! I'm not one of your toys," I spit back. This man killed my father! What makes him think he can demand anything from me?

He laughs humourlessly. Then stands up and strolls towards me as if he had all the time in the world. My muscles tense, spine stiffening with each inch he gets closer. Finally, he stops at the edge of my bed and looks down at me.

"Where are you?" he asks slowly, raising his chin as if to let me know he's better than me. It's not working. He's still a piece of shit.

"I'd know if someone told me," I tell him.

"Ah, right. Poor, clueless Sofia. Let me tell you where you are." He reaches for my face, this time more slowly than the last. It gives me enough time to react.

I try to slap his wrist away but he sees the move coming. He grabs my arm before I could even make contact with his hand. Then he holds it like that, staring me dead in the eyes.

"You're staying at one of my buildings," he says, leaning closer. "In my city. So you're wrong. I do own you. Every part of you." At that, his eyes drop to my lips for a beat. Then lower, to the curve of my neck and back up.

He looks mad.

"You'd do well to remember that."

His grip finally loosens enough on my arm for me to snatch it back. As soon as it's free, I use it to slap him across the face. In the second it takes him to catch up with what just happened since he definitely hadn't seen it coming, I get to my feet on the other side of the bed.

His face is still bent to the side when one of his hands slowly comes up to touch his cheek. I don't think I hurt him rather than surprised but as he slowly turns to look at me, a whole inferno blazing behind those dark eyes, I nearly wish I hadn't done anything at all.

Why was I so sure he would never hurt me? What had gotten into me?

Oh geez, he takes a step along the bed to get closer to me and my weak knees nearly give out beneath me. Is it too late to beg for mercy?

What am I thinking? Dammit, I'm losing my mind with all the uncertainty being captured by Capo Crimini comes with.

"You raised a hand on me," Vince drawls slowly, taking another step closer. I stumble backward, real fear grabbing me by the throat. I need to keep the bed between us. Shit, I need to keep the bed between us.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, stepping another step away. Vince laughs loudly, it's a cold and unbelieving sound.

"You're not. You're a liar," he tells me, his control slipping further. He looks crazy. So crazy and I don't understand why but it unsettles me beyond reason.

"I'm not a liar! I'll answer your questions," I say hastily. We're still circling the bed.

"Yeah? What's your name? You're whole name?" he asks.

"Sofia Martino," I say quickly, my voice shaky.

"Ah, right. Tell me, Sofia Martino, where have you been the last eight months?" he taunts me. I feel sick. He knows.

"Living my life as usual. Working, not much else," I lie desperately.

"Okay, then. Why do you think you're here?" He's amused, I realize. Amused by my apparent fear.

"I don't know," I reply honestly. At that, Vince finally stops moving which means so do I. When he speaks again, his voice is calm. Collected like it's supposed to be. It's weirdly reassuring.

He studies me with narrowed eyes before telling me, "Say my name."


"I said, say my name."

I don't understand what he's doing. I don't understand but I can literally see his patience slipping so I won't make him wait any longer. "Vincenzo," I say, suddenly unsure. It's his name. Why does it feel so wrong then?

Vince shakes his head, then turns on his heels. Only when one of his hands is on the knob of my door does he hesitate. "You're having dinner with me tonight." Then he's gone.

Quick recap in case it isn't clear: mc name is Giada but she uses a fake name "Sofia"
The boss' last name is Vincenzo but people call him either Vince or Enzo

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