Chapter 13

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It's the fifth night Luciano and I are hanging out, so to speak, but it feels like we've known each other for much longer. Might be due to the fact that we've spent hours on end talking to each other or maybe we just click. Either way, I can barely grasp my luck in these unlucky circumstances.

I haven't heard from Enzo which I'm happy about. I'm pretty sure I could resist him easily now but how he'd take the rejection? That's something I don't plan on finding out.

Last night, Luce and I went over his plan to break me out again and truth be told, I think we might stand a chance. Of course, getting me out of this building will be really hard but after that, we should be fine.

He told me his safe house was where his grandma and siblings will be waiting. They'll come with us so they don't become targets for Enzo and I'm actually kind of excited to meet them.

But first, Luciano needs to sneak me past my night guard, which should be fine seeing as he's been coming in here for days. Then we take the fire escape staircase at the back of the building. They're closer to my cell and less guarded.

A lot of things could go wrong and that thought has my stomach in knots. I'm more and more on edge the closer we get to our escape but right now it's almost bearable. Things tend to be better when Luciano is around.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks me, gently stroking his thumb over my cheek. I raise my head from his chest to smile at him, then lean up to give him a quick kiss.

"Just wondering how I got so lucky with you," I mumble against his lips. His eyes are shut, mouth set in a lazy grin and nothing but the shaky breath that fans against my cheek would indicate that he's not completely at ease. Not really unaffected.

Apart from a few fleeting kisses, Luce and I haven't done much in that department. Trust me, that's all him because I've been craving a real taste of him since our first kiss. But if he wants to take it slow then I won't be one to rush him.

It's still nice to know I can get a reaction from him.

"You trust me, right? You know I'll get you out of here?" he asks slowly opening his eyes to look at me.

Oh, I could lose myself in those blue pools, drown in them for eternity and never complain.

Shit, do I sound whipped? I'm not, really. The two of us have only been hanging out for a few days, after all. I'm just saying he has pretty eyes. Pretty eyes surrounded by thick, dark lashes that I envy.

When Luciano keeps staring at me expectantly, I remember he's asked a question.

"Yeah. Totally, I trust you. I just wish I could somehow be useful."

"You are useful," he tries to protest.

"That's sweet but not what I meant. If anything happens, for the worse or the better, there's nothing I would be able to do but run or hide. I don't stand a chance against Enzo's men," I say, even though I hate the words leaving my lips. I sound pathetic and defenseless. Everything my father never wanted me to be.

Without me realizing it, Luce pulled something from his waistband and the cool material is now tapping against my hand on his chest. I look down to see a gun, his gun, I assume.

"Open your hand, Sofia," he tells me as if it were obvious.

"I- what are you doing?" I ask even as I take the weapon into my hands.

"You're right. When it comes down to it or anything happens to me, you need to be able to defend yourself. Take this and hide it somewhere close until we leave, okay? Somewhere you can access easily in case we need to make a sudden escape."

"What about you?"

"I can easily get a new one," he says, smiling now as if I were a cute, clueless child. I don't love it.

Right as I'm about to ask another question, a distant sound makes me stop short. It sounds like heavy footsteps are thundering closer to my cell.

My muscles stiffen and my heart stops momentarily as I meet Luciano's eyes. Someone's coming.

"Hide!" I whisper, snapping out of my stupor. I get up and attempt to shoo him off my bed in the process. I don't know where his huge body could possibly blend in anywhere here but we don't have much time to figure it out.

"Luciano, move!" I snap when he just keeps staring at the door. He slowly shakes his head, then levels me with a look.

"This is it, princess. It's now or never, okay? Give me the gun," he says calmly.

"No we can't- we aren't prepared," I protest, running my hands through my hair while pacing the cell. This can't be it. This wasn't planned. We were supposed to have more time.

"The gun, Sofia," Luciano repeats more forcefully. Then his hands are on my shoulders, grounding me successfully. "We're ready. We've got this, okay? I got you. But I need the gun to get us out of here."

I nod and hand him the weapon without another word. And not a second too soon because as soon as the cool metal is pulled from my hand the door bursts open.

Imma just warn y'all, u guys are not ready for the next few chapters....

Anyways, thanks for reading pls vote and comment and have a great day<33

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