Chapter 56

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I try waking up Giada after our final round but seeing as she wouldn't stir, I decide cleaning up will have to wait until the morning. So I cuddle up to her, cover us with the blanked and fall asleep as well.

I dream of nothing, just blissful, relaxing darkness and for once, Giada seems to do the same. When I wake up, she's still cuddled up to me, breathing evenly. Not a sign of a nightmare or distress.

I study her for a second, enjoying the opportunity. My eyes drag along the outline of her soft features, full cheeks, light eyebrows, smooth forehead, to the arch of her lips. I smile when I see the bit of drool running down her chin before my gaze is pulled to her long, fluttering eyelashes.

Then her striking green eyes meet mine tiredly and I swear my whole heart made a lurch. She smiles at me, then noticing she's been drooling, she turns her face into the pillow in an attempt to hide it. Fuck, she's adorable.

"Morning, Tesoro," I say almost giddily.

"Morning," she mutters into the pillow. I chuckle at that.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been thoroughly fucked last night," she says, finally turning back to me. Then she winces. "A little sore," she adds.

I arch an eyebrow, still amused by this whole exchange. Especially when she groans comically. "Okay, more than a little," she admits.

I lean forward to press a chaste kiss on her lips, unable to help myself, only for her to mumble, "Morning breath." Then her hand is on my lips blocking my advance successfully. When I pout, she laughs.

I love it.

"Let me brush my teeth first, man."

"Let me help you, woman," I retort as I get to my feet. Giada, my stubborn girl, tries to follow my lead only to fall back onto the bed as soon as she tries to stand up.

"Don't even think about laughing!" she tells me when I pick her up. With one hand on her back, one in the back of her knees, and her arms around my neck, I carry her to my bathroom. I set her down on the toilet seat and prepare her toothbrush all without breaking her defiant gaze.

She won't ever admit to needing help and knowing she hates it, I won't force her. But when I reposition her on my lap as we each brush our teeth, I can practically feel her gratitude. And after we finished, I'm rewarded with a kiss that takes my breath away.

Not because it's rough or needy, nope, but because it's the opposite. Her lips are on mine tenderly while her hands brush through my hair, practically giving me head scratches. I hug her around the waist, holding her up.

Reluctantly, I break the kiss only to get the bath running and put in some bath oils. Then my lips are back on hers and we get lost in each other until it's time to get into the hot water.

I help her in, trying not to smirk when she winces with each step she takes. Then I climb into the tub behind her and pull her against my chest, relishing in the way she melts into me.

"This is nice," she sighs. I agree silently as I pour some body wash onto a washcloth. Then I start washing her like I would have done the night if she hadn't fallen asleep.

"What'd you think of last night?" I ask her.

"It was... fun. Not something we can do on a regular basis but it was great," she says shyly. I press a kiss to a shoulderblade all the while waiting to wake up. Honestly, this feels too good to be real.

But if it's not, I'll still happily stay here forever.

"You ready for a thirteen-hour flight tonight or you want me to schedule it for tomorrow?"

"Tonight is fine. I can't wait! Ugh, now you got me all excited!" she splashes a few droplets of water in my face, shooting me an angry look over her shoulder.

"So sorry. I'll book both of our seats and you can pay me back, okay? That way we can sit next to each other," I tell her. Fine if she wants to pay for herself, I can accept that. Sitting next to a stranger for more than half a day? And having her do the same? That I won't settle for.

Even if that means sitting back in economy, having no leg room for an excruciating amount of time while being kicked in the back by some kid.

"Sounds good." She hesitates, then, "Do you want to fly business?"

"Whatever you want, Sweetheart," I reply quickly. No idea how she's doing financially at the moment since we haven't talked about it but the last thing I want is for her to feel pressured into spending money she doesn't want to. "I'll be perfectly content as long as I got you to annoy by my side."

She beams at me, even as she elbows me in my stomach. "If you don't mind, I'd like to fly business. It's a long flight and I've never tried it before," she says.

"Like I said, whatever you want. Now, let's get out of here before the water turns cold, we got suitcases to pack."

Bit of aftercare before we going on a trip;)

Agh... the trip...👀 hope everything will go smoothly👀

Anyway, I got some immaculate family drama rn so yay me:) hope y'all are doing great and don't forget to vote and lmk ur thoughts<3

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