Chapter 12

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"Close your eyes," Luciano whispers when he sneaks into my cell the third night. I've practically been floating on cloud nine all day, waiting for him to finally arrive.

He stayed late last night but all we did was talk. He kept a respectful distance even when I eventually invited him to sit on my bed with me instead of staying on the ground. He was just close enough for me to smell him, something citrusy with a hint of Tabacco. It was enough to mess with my senses. Enough for me to wish he was closer.

But that was yesterday. Now, he asked me to close my eyes so that's what I do. I'm sitting on my bed and my heartbeat quickens ridiculously as his steps come closer. God, I feel like a teenager.

"Hold out your hands," the man in my room instructs. His voice is close now. Close enough to evoke goosebumps on my skin. Again, I do as I'm told.

Something heavy is placed in my open palms and I instantly know what it is. My eyes fly open and I take in the book Luciano has brought me. It's a hardcover, the design simple apart from the beautifully written title. The little prince, it says.

"You asked for a surprise, thanks for the pressure by the way, so here you go. Do you like it?" he asks after a few beats but I'm too stunned to speak. Instead, I carefully set the book to the side, jump to my feet and throw my arms around Luciano's neck.

He stiffens for a second. Then his arms gently envelop me and his chin comes down on my head. "I take that as a yes?" he asks and I can almost hear his smile in his voice. Still, I can't find my voice to answer so I hug him tighter.

"Hey, you okay there?" this time, his voice is softer. I nod against his uniform even as I sniffle softly. Damn me and my sensitivity. Finally, Luciano pulls away from me just enough to see my face. He uses one hand to tilt my chin up and when he sees my watery eyes, his brows furrow.

"What's wrong? Come on, talk to me." Now at that I smile softly.

"Nothing, ugh, I don't know why I'm so dramatic. I love the present, really," I assure him truthfully.

"Okay. Then why do you look like you're about to cry?" he asks slowly, still searching my face. I laugh softly.

"My dad used to read this to me when I was younger so I guess it just reminded me of him. Don't worry about it, I'm fine. You're simply too good at giving gifts."

"I'm sorry. If you want, I'll get you another one tomorrow. I just thought you might like some entertainment in here," Luciano insists but I shake my head.

"No, I'd like to keep it. Thank you." My voice ends as nothing more than a whisper as the two of us keep our eyes locked. My arms are still hanging lazily around his broad back while his have dropped to my waist.

I'm hardly breathing, anticipation and nerves nearly making me shake. And then Luciano's gaze drops to my lips and I nearly whine right there. It's not fair. It's so not fair that his face is still so far away from mine.

I risk a quick glance at his lips just as his tongue darts out to wet them. That's when I knew it was done. With another reassuring look in his eyes, I get to my tiptoes to kiss him. He has to meet me halfway, leaning down so our lips can finally meet.

The kiss is good. Really good, I mean. He's holding me close by my waist, pressing his lips to mine just enough to be comfortable. He's doing everything perfectly.

But somehow I'm disappointed.

No fireworks are going off in my stomach, no all-consuming need is washing over me. My body feels warm at the affection, just not hot.

I try to pull him closer, desperate to get some sort of reaction out of him or me but instead, Luciano gently takes his lips from mine. "We're in no hurry," he tells me, his eyes closed as our foreheads rest together. "I don't want to be like him."

And I melt again, nodding against him as butterflies are set free in my stomach.

"Right, I'm sorry. Let's talk," I say, pulling him onto the bed as innocently as I can. He lies down next to me but before I can scoot away, he pulls me closer to him. He leads my head down to rest on his chest and starts stroking my hair, making me sigh against him in content.

This is exactly what I need. This sort of affection.

"Is this okay?" Luciano asks me.

"Perfect," I tell him, snuggling a little closer. The two of us stay quiet for a bit before I finally ask something that's been on my mind for a while. "Do you know why I'm here?"

"Well, you're Enzo's prisoner," he shrugs but it still doesn't make sense to me.

"It feels a bit more like I'm his guest. Not one that's being treated ideally, of course, but still. I guess I always imagined being a prisoner to the don of the Italian mafia would be a bit more- Non lo so- brutal. Like why did he go through so much trouble to capture me eight whole months after killing my father, only to fuck me twice and then ignore me completely?

"And how long is he going to keep this up? I'm just a waste of resources, I'm sure he'll make the cut soon. Then what? He'll let me go? Unlikely. Will he just let me starve? Ugh, I absolutely hate not knowing," I snap. Only then do I realize the man I'm cuddling with is stiff as a board.

I raise my head to look at him. His jaw is set, his eyes focused on me.

After a few deep breaths, he tells me, "I'll get you out."

My heart stops for a beat, a hundred thoughts and emotions mixing into one blob of anxiety until I'm shaking my head.

"You can't. No, he'll kill you. Besides, where would we even go? He'd find us no matter how far we run. I won't be responsible for your death. I mean we barely know each other. What if you realize you don't even like me and that you threw your life away for no reason?" I protest, sitting up so we can have this talk properly.

"It would still have been for a good reason, Sofia. Saving your life, any innocent's life, is reason enough. I can't protect you as long as you're locked up here and I don't trust Enzo not to hurt you the next time he's in a mood.

"Besides, I do like you. And I have a safe house he'll never find. We can stay there until we have a foolproof plan to leave the continent. Now please, lower your voice and lie back down." He goes from fully serious to a pouty giant in a second, holding his arms out to me like a child.

I stay where I am.

"Leave the continent? No I- we can't just leave. I have a job and- and you have your family. It's too dangerous," I say, shaking my head to clear the fog of uncertainty.

"Breathe, Princess, okay? We're going to be fine, trust me. I won't let anything happen to you. Come here, we'll talk about it tomorrow," Luciano says, pulling me back to him and soothing me until I can think clearly again.

Has anyone fallen yet? Tell me some of u are in love pls🖐🏻😭

Have a great day<3

Untangle Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें