Chapter 67

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I'm trying on my fourth dress, this one blue and very form-fitting all the way to my knees where it spreads out more widely. It's lovely, the fabric comfortable and the cut of the low v and back just risky enough for an event like the banquet.

Still, it won't be my dress because as pretty as it is, I can barely move.

"You look about as comfortable as I'd be in it. Hell, can you even make a step?" Andrea chimes in, meeting my eyes in the reflection of the huge mirror I'm regarding myself in. I smile fondly, glad he's not a fan either.

"Barely. I think I'd like something with a slit along the side of a leg? Or both? Just something I can really move in, you know? Or would that be too inappropriate?" I ask.

"Tesoro, not sure if I've mentioned it but I'm kind of the boss down here. You can wear whatever the hell you want and no one will- or can- do anything about it," he assures.

"So humble, too," I tease him even as my stomach flutters a little. Call me shallow but I enjoy the way Andrea speaks, like that I don't have to worry about getting him into trouble.

Turning to the lady working in this shop, I say, "Mi piacerebbe provare un altro vestito. Qualcosa con più spazio per le gambe, forse." She smiles politely before gushing off. This is a very noble store, I could tell as much before we even entered but my suspicion was confirmed when this woman became my personal stylist.

(I'd like to try on another dress. One with more space for my legs, maybe.)

We're in a spacious, kind of secluded part of the boutique. It's equipped with some comfy-looking armchairs one of which Andrea is currently lounging in and some mirrors. The whole décor is simple but elegant, screaming money with its white walls, marble floors with golden accents, and the chandelier lights hanging from the high ceiling.

I feel like a princess.

And when Andrea practically sneaks up on me to unzip my dress like he's done with the ones before, I lose myself even more in the moment. I'm on cloud nine, feeling fuzzy and ridiculously happy.

Add very warm and flustered to the list since that's what I become as my man takes his sweet time dragging down the zipper of my dress. My hair's up in a bun, enabling him to hold my gaze as he leans down to press a lingering kiss on my right shoulder.

His knuckles graze the skin over my spine, making my eyes flutter as I suppress a shudder. Damn him and the effect he has on me. Every time his skin touches mine, no matter how innocent the gesture, I burn up with awareness. That with a side note of need.

And let me tell you, the way he's looking at me, all smugness and desire, lets me know this isn't an innocent touch.

"Don't start something you cannot finish," I breath even as I turn my head to the side to give him more space for a second kiss on the curve of my neck.

"You've been teasing me for two hours, baby. Changing in front of me, wearing only panties most of the time. You know what you're doing, don't play dumb," he retorts against my wet skin. "Besides," he adds, brushing the straps of my dress over my shoulders so it pools around my feet. His arms come around my bare stomach before each one moves in the opposite direction, one towards my boobs and one to the edge of my panties. "Who says I can't finish it?"

He hugs me against his front, making me feel the hard bulge in his pants against my ass. And damn, I know this is so inappropriate, know the nice, old lady could return any moment now and would probably die of a heart attack if she did. Still, I can't help but rub myself against him, whimpering as he pinches one of my nipples in warning.

"This turning you on, my love? Do you like being in danger of getting caught like this? Wet and almost fully naked in a public place, so desperate for anything I have to give you rub yourself against me," he tsks, pulling the lace of my panties back a little before letting it snap against my skin.

I yelp in surprise. Then cover my mouth, scared the sound has alerted anyone of what we're doing here. But despite my racing heart and tingling nerves, no one comes running. Still, my breathing is more shallow than before and my mind is whirring with possibilities and need.

Before anything else can happen though, a phone rings nearby. My heart lurches and I jump out of Andrea's embrace. He merely chuckles as he gets his phone from the small table.

"It's Leo," he tells me before answering. It's not surprising that he's calling since he should have landed right about now.

"Are you kidding?" Andrea exclaims into his phone, getting my attention and clearing some of the fog that's been blurring my focus. He meets my eyes, looking annoyed, apologetic, and pained at the same time.

Leo says something I can't hear and it makes Andrea tilt his head skyward as he groans. "You've been here for what? Thirty minutes? And you managed to get yourself arrested already?" he says. Then looking me over once, in all my undressed glory, his expression takes on one of a pouting child. "I hate you so much right now," he states drily, still talking to Leo.

"Misunderstanding, sure. Mhm. Oh, yeah, I'm sure they're the problem." Rubbing his temples, he starts pacing the room. "Okay, shut up. I'm already tempted to let you rot in the holding cell of the airport so for once, Leo, shut up. I'm coming." A pause, roll of his eyes. "Yes, I am. Bye."

He sighs and turns to me, his expression softening.

"You're really leaving me all hot and bothered now, aren't you?" I tease him.

"Believe me, I wish I didn't have to but it turns out my right hand, a.k.a. my annoying best friend, is an utter moron. No surprise, I know. Still, got to bail his ass out real quick," he explains.

"Can't you just make a phone call?" I whine.

"Wish I could. I'll be back before you know it, okay? Call me if you need anything, don't run off, and make sure you get a bomb dress, alright?" I nod, walking forward to meet him halfway. Then he kisses me, just a tender meet of our lips.

"Oddio! Oh! Scusi!" a voice damn near screeches, making Andrea and me pull apart once again. The lady is standing in the entry of this room-thingy, her hands covering her face and her back turned to us.

My cheeks burn up bright red, all the mirrors here really pointing that out. Andrea, cool as ever, talks to the woman, calms her, and apologizes before telling me goodbye and leaving the store.

The woman has brought a fool rack of new dresses with her but she can't seem to meet my eyes anymore. Fantastic, I'm looking forward to multiple hours of horrifyingly awkward silence.

Not much to say other than hope u liked it:))

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