Chapter 65

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I barely feel better in the morning. Sure, my headache has eased up and I can feel that my body has recharged a bit but mentally I'm as much a mess as I was yesterday.

Since I wake up before Andrea, I decide to go over all the facts once more. I remember what my parents told me last night, still shocked that they are alive in the first place. Then I try to figure out how it is possible. Sure, I think I never was at my mother's funeral and no one was able to tell me where my father's body was but I certainly remember my mom being connected to tubes for a while before her "death".

Yeah, they went all out.

It's hard to believe they'd go through all that just to deceive me. I mean, what did they think I'd have done if I knew? Unbelievable.

"Morning, Tesoro," Andrea says roughly, his arm around me tightening as he presses a kiss to my temple. Part of me melts and relishes in the short moment of peace. He has that effect, my man. Always able to comfort me.

"Morning," I reply, cuddling up to him.

"You feeling a bit better?" he asks slowly. I can tell he's worried. He sounds tired, making me wonder how much sleep he actually got. I hate that I'm doing this to him and yet, I can't bring myself to lie. To say a simple "I'm fine" because I'm not.

Instead, I shrug. "A little." Then there's another tender kiss on the top of my head.

"How do you want to go forward from here? Do you want to go home? Track down your parents first?"

Finally, I turn so I can look at him. "We can't go home. The banquet," I remind him. It's hard to believe that is what we initially came for. Everything that has happened really put that to the back of my mind.

But Andrea said it was an important deal so I can't be the reason he misses it. For the better or the worse, he can't just abandon his work-related responsibilities. I wouldn't want to ask that of him.

"Honestly, Giada, I really don't give a shit about that. If being here hurts you, we're going. To hell with those people at the banquet, I don't care about them. I care about you, my love. Tell me what you want, please. Besides, Leo could fill in for me. He doesn't speak Italian, sure, but people would get over it," he assures me.

Surprisingly, a smile tugs at my lips at the thought. I can only imagine Leo amidst all those old, Italian jerks that barely speak a word in English. Our dear friend would certainly take advantage of it, making jokes at the others' expense and being the only one to understand and laugh about them.

He's a treat.

And he'd most likely die for it.

"I don't know if I want to see my parents. Not now, at least. Mabye after some time, I'll have sorted out my thoughts and feeling and I'll try to hear them out again but it's too soon." After a moment's hesitation, I add, "And I want to stay. To hell with my parents, they don't get to ruin this for us. If you're okay with it, I'd like to stick around at least until the banquet is over."

Andrea smiles. "Whatever you want. You know that means we have to go dress shopping though, right?" he asks.

"The really fancy kind?" I ask, grinning myself.

"The fanciest. And we're in Italy, my love. Aint nowhere going to be as fun as here."

We're beaming. Smiling so widely it's almost stupid. And yet it's the best feeling.

"Oh! Do you think Leo can come too?" I ask excitedly. And just to help my case, not that I think I need it but still, I tell Andrea about how much fun it'll be to have him around. After hearing my theory about all the inappropriate jokes we could share behind the other's backs, he happily agrees to the idea.

When it's finally time to get out of bed, I go take a shower while Andrea calls Leo. It's when I turn off the water and wrap myself up in a towel that I hear Andrea call a warry "Uh, Giada!"

"Mh?" I shout back, as relaxed as ever. I know Andrea well enough to be sure it's nothing urgent. Judging by the reluctant reply from him that comes next, I'd say this is going to be rather fun for me.

"Could you come out here for a second? Please?"

So I do. I go back into our bedroom to find him standing against a wall, his eyes fixed on a place on the floor ahead of him. When I follow his gaze, I can't help but burst out a laugh.

"Please, Babe," Andrea says miserably.

"The Great Andrea Vincenzo is scared of a little bug?" I muse as I walk towards the black spot on the floor. I feel ridiculously smug and it's likely to bite me in the ass but I'm enjoying it nonetheless.

"Why does it have to have so many legs?" my man whines. I shake my head to myself as I scoop the animal into my hands. Then I allow myself to have a little fun with it and instead of carrying it to the balcony, I head back to Andrea.

"Giada, no!" he says firmly, panic simmering behind his pretty, brown eyes. I laugh and take another step only for him to run behind the bed so it's in between us.

"Oh come on! It won't bite!" I tease him.

"If you get that thing any closer to me, Monti, I'm filing for divorce," he threatens seriously.

"Baby, we're not married," I tell him, earning a shocked reaction from him. He holds a hand over his heart and gasps dramatically.

"How dare you!" he accuses. We both stay silent for a beat. Then burst out laughing.

I clutch my stomach mindlessly, only remembering I was holding a bug when Andrea screams loudly.

"Ahh! Help me! Get it away from me! Giada, Please! It's attacking me!" he roars, running around as if his ass were on fire.

Unable to help myself, I whip up my phone and start recording this unique moment. What? Blackmail material this good is rare!

"Giada! So help me god, please!" he goes on, his voice higher than usual.

Deciding I've had my fun, I go to his rescue and finally throw the poor bug over the balcony. I think it can fly. Hope it can. But either way, at least my man has stopped yelling around.

"You're a horrible person," he concludes, shuddering once.

I merely smile and head over to kiss him slowly. "You love it."

Idk bout y'all but I think it's time for some... spice... again.

Hope y'all have a great day<33

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