Chapter 51

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I haven't eaten all day so although I appreciate Andrea's approach to talk and apologize, I really just want some food. I guess since my doors are no longer locked, I'm expected to get my own meals but honestly, I don't know how.

So I waited for an hour tonight, just staring at my door like the perfect little compliant woman while he took his sweet time. Hope he doesn't get used to it since I'm not planning on making it a regular thing. The next time he forgets about me because of work, he can shove his date up his ass.

I'll bounce back to the old me as soon as the ugly feelings of my most recent memory have vanished fully. I just need to reassure myself that I'm fine, not broken, and Andrea isn't going anywhere.

When we sit down at a small table that wasn't here the last time I was in the dining hall, I quickly snatch up a piece of bread. Dipping it in a bit of olive oil, I can't cover a soft moan at my first bite.

"You weren't lying when you said you were starving. What did you have for lunch?" Andrea asks, amusement clear in his voice. I swallow my bite and take a sip of water before replying.

"Nothing. Didn't really know where to get the food, to be honest." I laugh it off when his expression morphs into confusion. Then he clenches his jaw.

"You haven't eaten anything since last night?" he asks.

"Nope," I reply, taking another bite of the bread. It's not warm since I assume whoever brought it out had expected us to be here an hour ago but it's still good.

"Why didn't you tell me? I'll tell Gino to get meals for you too whenever I'm not with you," he says quickly and I can tell he's starting to feel guilty. This time, I'll let him. Call me petty but he snuck out on me this morning so I feel entitled to my behavior.

"You don't need to do that. I would feel bad if he did that every day." Something sits seriously wrong with that whole idea. I don't want Andrea's cook to bring me food. Hell, I don't even want to stay here all day every day. Today really made me realize that.

Seeming to read my mind, Andrea says, "You can always go outside, you know that, right? You don't need to wait for me in your room all day. If you want, you can go back to work or meet friends or do whatever it is you did before I kidnapped you. Again, sorry for that.

"I don't need your whole life to revolve around me and us. You're not a princess locked in the tower, waiting to be rescued and I'm sure as fuck not going to be the dragon keeping you there. I'll support you no matter what just as long as you're happy." His little speech is followed by a beat of silence. 

A beat of silence and some intense staring.

"I'd like that, going back to work. Today, I felt completely useless so it'll probably be nice to get some normality back. Just, could I maybe stay here?" I ask more shily than intended. I'm aware I'm practically inviting myself to live with him but my apartment hasn't felt like home in a long while and I don't want to return to that.

Besides, if I sold it, I would have some more money which means more freedom and less pressure when I start looking for a new job. I'm not loving what I'm doing right now, not to mention I'm not sure I can go back now, having been gone for such a long time.

"Of course, you can. And I really am sorry for how today went down. I should have been there when you woke up or at least left a note. And I should've been here on time. And we probably should have had this talk earlier."

I crack a smile, "We should have. But it's fine, really. I know I've been distracting you from work and I really don't want you to get overwhelmed because of us. Just tell me when you're busy, okay?" That's one thing I couldn't stop thinking about today.

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