Chapter 30

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I haven't slept properly in five days. Each time I close my eyes, more memories infiltrate my mind and it's messing with me. I don't know what to think or feel anymore and my sanity is really being put to the test.

I hope I'm done soon since there's no way I can take much more of this torture. Seeing as I remember almost everything from the months that had been missing, I think I won't have to, at least.

But it's not all bad, I guess. Most memories are happy and momentarily push my serotonin. There was the one, for example, where-

There's a knock on my door before Leo enters with my dinner on a tray.

"Hey," he greets me, seeming shyer than normal. His unusual behavior sets me on edge.

"Hi," I reply.

"So, how are you?" the man asks.

"Good. You?"

God this is so awkward. Like, what is going on? We don't usually exchange more than a few words.

"Yeah, same. So listen, I heard you remembered Enzo," he trails off, setting down my food as he observes my reaction. I have e a feeling where this is going and an idea blooms in my mind.

It's probably inappropriate and most likely considered cruel but it's deserved.

"Yes," I say, waiting for more. He's got to say the words for this to work.

"I was just wondering if you've been remembering anyone else. Like, me, maybe?" he says, a hint of hopefulness clear in his voice and I almost cave.

But then I think back to a certain memory and my resolve strengthens.

"Uhm, no. Sorry, I don't think I do," I say and I have to admit, it was not half-bad acting.

Leo seems to buy it since his face falls, his eyes quickly averting from mine as his shoulders slump just enough for me to notice. That's enough of a reaction so I decide to stop torturing the poor guy.

"I'm joking," I say quickly, and let me tell you, his face is priceless. His jaw drops, eyebrows scrunched together as he makes a disbelieving sound in the back of his throat. "I told you I'd get you back!" I add, nearly bursting out laughing.

"Back for what?" Leo asks in a mixture of disbelief and outrage.

"Are you kidding? Andrea's twenty-seventh birthday? You made the police call us to say you had been killed!"

"That was over a year ago!" the man protests loudly.

"You didn't tell us you were alive until hours later! Enzo killed two people while I bawled my eyes out!" I yell even as pleasant feelings spread through me at our banter. It feels familiar, which makes sense since the two of us used to joke around a lot.

I know that now.

Leo's quiet for a beat, his expression molding into a sheepish smile as he loses himself in the memory. "Good old times," he finally mutters dreamily. Then he adds, "So, Andrea, huh? First name basis again?" with a knowing look.

I groan internally. Sure, leave it to him to make me uncomfortable when we just had a moment.

The thing is, I know all the memories are from a time long gone but to me, it doesn't feel that way. That's why it was so easy to fall back into the old pattern with Leo.

That's why Vincenzo's first name feels so natural on my tongue.

And why I suddenly associate affection and other positive emotions with him, even though I hate it.

I blow out a breath and fall onto my bed. "It's just a name," I mutter to my ceiling.

"Is it?" Leo pushes gently and I know he's watching me.

"I haven't talked to him since I got the first little memory back. Which isn't surprising, considering he only likes to play with me whenever he's had at least a few days apart from me." What the hell am I saying? "Ugh, not that I want to see him, of course. Remembering is messing with my head but I'm only calling him Andrea because it's what I was used to. It means nothing," I insist.

"Sounds to me like a talk would do both of you some good. I know a lot went down but you can't just blame him. And come on, the two of you were good together! Wouldn't it be worth a try to get that back?" Leo asks, walking closer to the bed so he's in my line of vision. I sigh and look at him.

"I don't know," I admit. Truth be told, now that I know everything about Andrea and me, I do miss us. I miss the way he used to feel me and how I felt in his arms, the easy conversations we used to have, or the affectionate glances I used to receive whenever we were too far apart to touch.

"I think you do. But oh well, nothing for me to do about it other than to wish you luck, my friend. Eat before it gets cold, okay? And get some sleep, you look horrible," he says cheerily as he walks towards the door.

"As charming as I remember you. Have a good night and don't get lost on your way to kiss your boss' ass," I yell when he stops in the doorway.

"Don't be jealous, love. I'm sure you'll get your chance at kissing it once you've talked your issues out." With a parting wink, the man is gone.

And I'm left staring after him, unbidden images of a certain man's fine ass on my mind and all the times I used to grab it while we-

Okay, no. Not doing this. I'm already confused enough.

No need to be wet and confused.

What a great way to finish the chapter:)

This chapter is kinda short but I promise there'll be some more Andrea& Giada time soon!

Also, don't forget to vote and comment and hope y'all have a fantastic day<3

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