Chapter 42

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I'm standing in Andrea's bathroom buck naked, staring at all the buttons and levers of his stupid shower in confusion just like I have been for the last eight minutes.

"You okay in there?" the man's voice comes from his room and even through the closed door I can picture his annoying, smug smile.

"Yeah," I lie loud enough so he can hear. Then, taking a leap of faith, I press one of the top buttons on the side of the black wall. Nothing happens.

I press every damn thing there is to press until there's nothing left for me to try other than that dangerous-looking lever at the opposite wall. Have I mentioned this shower is about as big as a walk-in closet if not bigger? Yeah, it takes me multiple steps to reach the other side of it.

I eye the lever skeptically before taking it in my hand. I wiggle it a little, trying to figure out what way to turn it but it seems to move in every direction. I groan out loud, asking for something to guide me as I twist the cool metal to the right.

So, the thing guiding me is a jerk considering a fountain of ice-cold water splashed against the side of my face strong enough to whip it to the side.
I scream, jumping out of the water's way while mumbling incoherent curses.

Really, what kind of shower setting is this even.

"You okay there?" the amused male voice asks from somewhere behind me. I whip around, fixing him with a glare because really, this is his fault.

Who needs a shower with so many buttons? And what kind of sadist just tosses someone in there to fend for themselves?

"Your shower hates me," I pout, only making him smile more.

"Naw, poor baby," he teases me, letting his hand brush along my back as he gets into the shower himself, clothes and all. He's wearing a fresh shirt and a pair of sweatpants, looking as devilishly gorgeous as ever.

I watch him maneuver that cursed lever so that the shower glands in the wall stop spraying and the water comes from the top instead. It misses him by a few inches and he steps around the spray to get to work with the buttons.

He adjusts the temperature, I assume from the looks of it. Then LEDs turn on all along the top of the stall, the pink light turning the dark space into something straight out of a movie.

"I think that's better. Just tell me when you're done and don't touch anything, okay?" he says, finally looking at me.

His easy-going expression quickly changes when he sees the look on my face though. Don't blame me, this place would turn everyone on and with a man like Andrea in here with me?

Shit but the light from above really sharpens his features perfectly, the arch of his eyebrows, the cut of his cheekbones. Lord, have mercy.

I walk towards him, reaching out with a hand to push him back a step by the chest as I hold his heated gaze. The water hits him from above, quickly wetting his shirt so it clings tightly to every muscle of his body and although my whole being is buzzing with awareness, my eyes stay locked with his.

So far, he lets me run the show, happily complying when I pull his shirt over his head. That's when I finally take my time to really look at his body. I run my fingers over his chest, tracing the snake inked over his collar bone and his family's symbol on the chest.

Andrea's staying perfectly still as he watches me but I can feel the way his breathing has become more shallow.

When I run my hands over his arms and the inked pattern that adorns them, a recent memory comes to mind. I step around the man, keeping my hands on him at all times until I'm faced with his broad back.

There it is, that one tattoo that I don't recognize. A new one. The Ferris wheel and the moon.

When my fingers trace the circle they create, Andrea releases a shuddering breath. "This one is new," I state the obvious, still entranced by the artwork on his skin.

"I got it after the accident," he says, making my heart skip a beat. Something about it feels so familiar but maybe I'm just reading into things now. But then Andrea asks, "Do you recognize it?"

I study it more closely, but the water from the shower is blurring my view. Slowly, I reply, "I don't know."

Another deep breath before Andrea goes on. "The Ferris wheel. It's the one-"

I finish the sentence for him, something suddenly clicking. "Our first date," I say, my voice not much more than a whisper. I lose myself in the memory. "You were so worried about taking me there instead of a restaurant but I insisted. At the end of the night, I finally kissed you on the Ferris." I chuckle to myself. "God was I nervous. What's the moon for?"

For a few beats, Andrea doesn't answer. I finally get back in front of him so I can see his face. He watches me carefully, his hands finally moving from his side to hold my waist. The touch is so gentle my knees nearly buckle.

It's too much for my poor heart. My father was right whenever he called me a hopeless romantic.

"The moon on the night you were born," he whispers hoarsely. He shakes his head to himself, looking away from my face but I can't stand it. Cupping his face gently, I pull his face toward me so I can kiss him.

It's gentle and tender and sad, somehow. It communicates things I know neither of us can say.

"I thought I lost you," he mutters against my lips but I don't want to hear that. Don't want to be reminded of all the time we lost.

I want to make up for it, instead. So I kiss him again, more forcefully now that for once, Andres letting me lead.

I push him back until we're up against the wall, circling his neck with my arms and burying my hands in his hair as I pull him closer. He groans into my mouth, only edging me on further.

When one of my hands moves down his body and into his pants only to find him half-hard again already, I break the kiss and get to my knees. Pulling down his pants, I don't waste much time before stroking his erection while holding the man's gaze.

"So beautiful, my baby. Look at you teasing me," he groans, closing his eyes for a second as if it's already too much.

"Mhm. You like it when I play with you, don't you? Love the way I look on my knees?" I shoot right back, barely recognizing the sultry voice coming from my lips. It's like I'm losing myself again, turning into another version of myself.

A more confident one. One with power over this force of a man who's staring at me like I'm some wonder.

I finally lean forward when I see a drop of precum leaking from the tip of his dick. Pressing my tongue against his slit, I enjoy the deep groan Andrea releases. I tease him for a bit, only barely licking and sucking on his tip before I move away, humming casually.

"You taste so good," I muse, smirking as I look up at him. "Really love tasting you, having you in my mouth, and feeling you come all the way down my throat." At that, I moan myself, losing myself in all the memories of that exact thing happening.

Andrea himself looks like he's about to cry in frustration, his hands balled to fists at his side as he keeps himself from taking over and fucking my mouth the way I know he wants. He'll get to do that. Just not quite yet.

"Am I driving you crazy?" I ask, licking him once from tip to base. He groans, agreeing mindlessly.

"Please, Tesoro. Ti prego," he damn near whines. That's right, I got Andrea to whine pathetically by barely doing anything other than smiling up at him. Talk about power.

(I beg you)

Poor thing, I think it's time for me to stop with the torture.

This wasn't planned but Ig here u go w some more smut;) and nope, not robbing u lmaoo it goes on in the next chaper

Have a flowery day (gotta switch it up, yk) and don't forget to vote and comment<3

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