Chapter 27

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Guys, I'm crying omg I accidentally deleted this chapter and now all ur comments are gone😭


Enzo practically fled his car as soon as we were parked in his garage. Luckily, a guard opened the door for me since I still have no clue how they work.

Now I'm back in my room, lying on the bed with my face against the mattress like a dead fish, still wearing the fancy dress and Vincenzo's jacket. I completely forgot I had it until I collapsed onto my mattress but now it's all my mind can focus on.

The stupid fabric smells so much like him and that's giving me a migraine.

Right on cue, my door bursts open.

"Finally, you're back! I thought you were gonna let me wait all night! Oh, is that his jacket? Is that the reason why you guys returned so late? Did you fuck him in his car? Oh my God, I need to know everything!" Melanie screeches as she jumps onto my bed.

"Girl, you okay? Dai, talk to me," the woman's voice softens. When I still don't reply, she gently wipes my hair out of my face so she can look at me? "Cara, what happened?"

(Come on & Dear)

"I'm tired," I mutter, keeping my eyes shut so I don't have to see the disappointment on my friend's face. Truth is, I really just want to be alone right now. I need some time to figure out my emotions and sort through the new parts of my memory.

Frankly, I need time to process.

"Do you need help with your dress?" Melanie asks, pleasantly surprising me by not pushing for answers. It's really appreciated.

I nod against the mattress and feel the bed dip under Mel's shifting weight. She brushes my hair to the side and opens the button at my neck. Then she shifts again and drags the zipper down over my ass.

"There you go. Need anything else?" she asks, her hand stroking gentle circles on my back.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks," I mumble.

As soon as I'm alone in the room the temperature seems to drop another ten degrees. I can't complain because I wanted Mel to leave and this is something I need to do on my own. That fact just doesn't make me feel better.

With a deep sigh, I get up and finally take off my fancy clothes. I slip into the PJs on my nightstand and go to the bathroom to clean up and get ready for bed. Then I crawl beneath the sheets and wrap myself into a burrito, taking any sort of comfort I can get.

"Oh, no, Sweetheart. Please sit back down, I got this," the tall, elder lady tells me sweetly when I enter the kitchen with a few dirty plates.

I recognize her. It's the lady from the flower shop. It was Enzo's mom.

"I don't mind helping, really," I insist. She already prepared a lovely dinner for the four of us so it's the least I can do.

"I know you don't but who will keep the men from killing each other?" she jokes half-heartedly. She searches my expression carefully before adding, "he's a good boy. I know the rumors that go around about him but he's not his father. Andrea's always been different. His world is just too stubborn to see it."

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