Chapter 31

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"You look better," is the first thing Melanie says as she gets into my room. She makes herself comfortable at the foot of my bed and stares up at me.

I chuckle nervously, trying to push my upcoming guilt away. I know I've been a bad friend recently, too caught up with my own drama to spend any time with Mel but what good does it anyone if I beat myself up over it?

"Yeah, got my favorite food for dinner so you know," I trail off, happy to see the genuine relief on my friend's face as I smile. Then she averts her eyes, craning her neck to see my dirty but empty plate.

"Lasagne?" she asks. When I nod, she laughs and throws a corner of my blanket at me. Not that it manages to hit me but you get the idea. "Of all the brilliant dishes Gino makes, that's your fave? So basic!" she exclaims.

"What's wrong with lasagne?"

"Nothing's wrong with it. There's just nothing especially right with it either." She shrugs while my mouth drops at her audacity.

"You know what, I'm not arguing with you about this since it's really hard to come by friends in here and I don't feel like looking for a new one. So, what brings you here?" I ask.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to make sure you haven't drowned yourself in the bathtub. Speaking of which, when was the last time you washed up?" I tip my head back and groan.

"Seriously? Do I look so bad? Is it the smell?" When Melanie looks like she's about to answer, I cut her off. "I get it. Fine, I'm taking a shower right now. And don't worry, I won't kill myself. Christ, what a friend," I mutter, getting off the bed.

"Great. Just looking out for you, Cara. I'll change your sheets while you're in the shower and open some windows so don't freak when it's freezing when you get out. See you tomorrow. And I'd love to hug you, but you know," she trials off, gesturing in the general direction of my body while her eyes gleam with amusement.

"I hate that I have to thank you right now," I mumble even though I don't mind our banter. A good, light-hearted conversation has never hurt anyone.

"Just doing my job," she replies, all the while gently nudging me toward the bathroom.

I try not to read anything into her words. Not to think about the fact that my only friend is pretty much forced to be because it's her job to look after me to a certain point.

"Still, thank you. And good night."

Fifty minutes later, I'm lying in my bed which now almost smells as good as me. It's nice enough for me to momentarily forget about my troubles and peacefully drift off into sleep.

I'm at a club, the music blaring above the cheering people and the lights flashing with all sorts of colors. My skin is covered in a sheen of sweat but I keep dancing and moving with the rest of the crowd. God, it feels good to feel good.

When I finally stop moving for a second to take a few breaths, my skin pricks with awareness. Of course, I'm in a public place which means many people might be glancing at me at times but this is different. I can actively feel someone's attention searing into me.

Maybe I'm paranoid. I've been having that problem ever since I almost got kidnapped in that dark alley three months ago. Still, I can't help but turn around and look for the source of my unease.

It only takes me a second to lock eyes with the very man I haven't been able to get out of my head since he saved me that night. It's silly considering we've only exchanged a few words and haven't seen each other since. He had helped me calm down and waited for me to get a taxi home but that was it.

And now here we are, two strangers staring at each other from across the dance floor.

He towers over the few chunks of people in between us but as he gets closer, I don't feel the expected nerves acting up. Instead, his heated gaze makes my body hum with confidence.

Without meaning to, I resume dancing at a more sensual pace than before all the while holding his gaze. The man's jaw clenches and the distance between us is quickly dwindling. I can't help but smile.

When he finally reaches me, he seems unsure of what to do. He stands stiff as a board, his hands clenched at his sides as he watches me move. I smile brighter, putting a hand on his shoulder as I stand up on my toes to be closer to his ear.

Of course, I'm only getting so close because it's loud in here, no other reason.

"Relax," I tell him over the music. I feel him take a deep breath, some of the tension leaving his body. I move a step back and gently take his hands to get him to move with me. Seriously, he's the only person on the dancefloor that isn't dancing and I won't be seen with a party pooper.

Faster than expected, the man has loosened up. Currently, he's showing off some mad skills, his body moving fluently as if this is all he's ever known. Every trace of the stiff man from before is gone and his own confidence is adding to mine, giving me the courage to move closer.

"Where'd you learn to move that way?" I ask, unable to help myself.

"Dance classes as a child," he replies smoothly, a soft smile tugging at his lips. Nodding, I take another step closer.

I gently wrap my hands around his neck, marveling at the feeling of his smooth skin and moving with him for a few beats before he spins me around. With my back to his front and his hands on my waist, he leans down to say something into my ear.

"I never got your name," he says, his breath fanning against my flaming skin and it's all I can do not to push myself further up against him.

"Giada," I yell over my shoulder.

He spins me back around and this time, I'm greeted with the sight of the man's smile. It's dangerously beautiful.

"It's great to meet you again, Giada. I'm Andrea."

I wake up with a start, my skin covered in sweat just like it was in the memory. I take a few steadying breaths before checking the time on my phone. It's three am.

I sigh. I can't do this anymore. This has to end before I completely lose my mind and there's only one thing I can think of that might help.

I climb out of my bed, not bothering to put on something more than the loose shorts and shirt I'm wearing before heading for my door.

It's been unlocked for a while but I've been too scared to act on it. Well, I'm done being scared so here I go, exiting my room with all the feelings from my memory still vivid and heading for the man they all revolve around.

Who cares that this might be a bad and irrational idea, right? What's life without a little danger.

I hope y'all are getting excited for what's coming next.

Please share ur thoughts so far and don't forget to vote if u like the story:))

Have a great dayy<3

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