Chapter 68

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"Again, thank you so much," Leo says, clasping one of my shoulders as we head to my car. He's goofing around, completely oblivious to my gritted teeth and bad mood.

I could be with Giada right now. Could have been for over an hour already if my idiot of a friend hadn't gotten himself arrested.

I keep thinking about her and the way she looked when I left. Her cheeks flushed and her eyes bright with accusations as I left her alone with the disturbed old lady. Fuck, I shouldn't think about her because my mind won't stay at a vivid picture of her face. Call me a dog but you'd be the same way if you saw that goddess in nothing more than panties, okay?

Round hips, full breasts with stiff nipples, so fucking ready for me to bite down on them.


Shouldn't have gone there.

I groan inwardly, imagining where things could have gone. How far would Giada have let me take it? Would she have parted her long, smooth legs for me so I could have slipped a hand between them? Would she have put one of them over my shoulder as I kneeled in front of her? Would she have let me bend her over and-

"Really, I have no idea what I would've done without you. It was horrible in there. They're not lying when they say jail changes a man," Leo goes on dramatically.

I ball my fists, ready to hit Leo. Why did I get him out again?

"You were in a holding cell for a little over an hour. Stop being a baby," Nyla says from somewhere beside him. Oh, right. Because of that.

You see, my friend, as dumb as his actions were, did it for the right reasons. They went through security here after having landed and when Nyla was pulled aside for a random check, Leo thought he heard a security guy say something racist. Nyla's from Vietnam and Leo, who does not speak Italian, thought the many "ci" sounds- like the beginning of the word "joy"- were used to mock her.

Long story short, he went all protective-alfa fool and attacked the poor guy. For assault, they took him in. And since I haven't been here in too long, it took a while for them to realize who I was and drop the charges.

To his- I don't know what they are but he brought her here so I'll call her his girl- girl's comment, he makes a show of acting hurt. "And to think I went there defending you!"

She laughs and takes his hand. "That was very adorable, if not a little silly. Thank you." They kiss. I gag loudly.

Leo ruined my moment with Giada, I ruin his. It's only fair.

Shut up, I know I'm petty.

Leo shoots me a look but Nyla goes un completely unbothered. "You should have known that I could handle a racist on my own. Remember our trip to target that one night?" Nyla asks, bumping her shoulder into his as they walk.

And what is that I see, my friend is smiling like a love-struck idiot. Despite myself, I smile. He deserves someone that makes him feel all the things Giada does me so I guess, even though I'm holding a grudge, I'm happy for him

"How could I forget? They threatened us with a lifelong ban!" he bursts out laughing.

I can't help but ask, "What happened?"

Both look at me a little surprised as if they had forgotten I was here too. Love the way that feels.

"Oh, there was this old white guy that started following me around the store as soon as Leo left my side to grab some eggs. I ignored him. But when I loaded up a few packages of rice, as one does when they stock up, he started snickering and making racist jokes. When he still wouldn't get a reaction, he planted himself right in front of me and pulled his eyes to slits," Nyla explains nonchalantly before Leo takes over.

"She did the only reasonable thing, hit him in the throat and kneed him in the balls. Said some stuff that made him cry and got the attention of the manager. I decided then I'd marry her," he says wistfully though I get the feeling he's only partially joking.

"Sounds like you did everything right. Of course, a few more hits in a few soft places wouldn't have hurt but too late to change anything now. Well, unless you have his name. Or could give us a description. Are we holding a grudge or how's the situation looking?" I ask teasingly.

Nyla beams at me. "I like you. But that's alright, thanks. We'll let it slide this time."

"Okay, okay, enough bonding! Where's your damn car?" Leo interjects.

I unlock it so he can see its lights turning on. Once we're settled, I'm racing back to the hotel. Giada told me she was almost done at the boutique and that she'd meet us there so we're headed there. Since I'm not taking any chances though, I sent one of my guys to pick her up. My father's old concierge was only too pleased to be useful once again.

One more hour and I'm in my room while Nyla and Leo check in. We're going out for dinner and to show the two tourists around tonight and the banquet will be tomorrow. I make a mental note to talk to Giada about the duration of our trip again since I'm not sure she'll want to stick around after tomorrow.

She seemed perfectly fine today but I think it might be partially due to being distracted. I'll leave her in peace for another day but might initiate another conversation after the banquet. She has a lot to sort through right now and I can't have her pulling away and trying to do it by herself. I want to help her. Not sure how other than to listen to her so that's where I'll start.

But first comes the banquet which I now get to visit with my whipped best friend and my awesome, super hot girl in a surely amazing dress. I can't wait.

I can't wait either...

Enjoy ur day and see y'all tmr<33

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