Chapter 22

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"Damn, girl. You're going to be the hottest person there by far, you know that, right? God, everyone will hate you," Melanie mutters once she's closed the button at the back of my neck but I barely pay attention to it.

This is about to sound horrible but I'm too busy staring at my reflection to dwell on the woman's words. If it makes it any better, I'm mostly staring at the masterpiece of a dress. And the way it fits my body.

To my relief and surprise, the fabric fits each of my curves as if it's custom-made. The collar rests comfortably around my throat, not disturbing my healing scar but hiding it. Below that, most of my skin is exposed starting at my collar bones until the V comes together on my solar plexus. I'm not wearing a bra but the dress is double-layered in the chest area and fits snug enough to keep everything in place.

I turn slightly to get a look at the back. God, the back! Another round cutout exposes most of my back although the injury on my shoulder is covered by the red fabric as it meets the back of my collar.

Just high enough for it to be appropriate, the circle closes above the curve of my ass. Now, where the whole top part of the dress is tight, the skirt falls loosely.

As predicted, the sides of my waist are bare and the long slit runs all the way up to my hip, showing off the killer shoes Mel forced me into.

I mean killer literally since I'm sure those heels could easily be used as a weapon. I'll keep it in mind, considering Melanie called the gala a den of vipers.

From what I understood, it's an event for slimy criminals to talk about business and make alliances in a peaceful manner. Why I'm forced to go there? No clue.

The whole thing has my heart racing.

"Enzo will lose his mind! Oh, I can't wait to see his reaction," my friend squeals. As soon as his name leaves her lips, she has my attention.

See, Melanie is a big fan of her boss. She says he's a great man who looks after his people but she's only worked for him for a few months. Apparently, he took her in after "taking care" of her abusive partner who had messed with him.

"He said one could never have too many nurses around and after a thorough background check, I was hired," Melanie told me one day.

"He'll be there?" I snap.

"Well, sì. Who did you think you were going with?" my friend asks.

"I don't know. You kept me so busy with all that gala talk and I was already multitasking so I guess I wasn't thinking at all. Oh crap! Why didn't you lead with that information? I thought you were my friend!" I accuse before raising a hand to run it through my hair.

Before I can go through with my plan, Melanie slaps my hand away.

"None of that! You do not ruin your hair after I've spent over an hour curling it! I mean it, ti spezzo in due!" the short woman threatens me and I know she's not playing because her middle finger is raised and pointing at me.

(I'll break you in two)

I do as I'm told but still stare her down. "I can't go to that event. Not with him."

"Why not?"

"Why not? WHY NOT? Oh let me think about it. Maybe it's because the two of us can't stand each other and I have no idea how to act around him! And because I haven't seen him in weeks and it's been on and off like this since he first kidnapped me. Yeah, KIDNAPPED me.

"Who does he think he is, treating me like a damn toy to pick up and discard whenever he feels like it. Not to mention that every time I see him, we seem to end up fucking, only for him to ice me out again afterward. And, Melanie," I turn to her fully and grip her shoulders.

"If I look like this, that means he'll be dressed in a perfectly fitted suit. Have you seen the man? Now have you seen people in suits? It automatically makes everyone ten times hotter and I don't think I have the strength for that, okay?" I finish.

My friend is staring at me. For a long time.

Then, "You've slept with Vincenzo?!" she squeals so loud I jump a step back. "Holy shit! And you haven't told me? You monster. I'll spend all night waiting desperately for you to return so you can tell me everything, capito?" Melanie fusses before checking the time on her watch. She curses under her breath before leveling me with another glare.

"You need to go but this isn't over. Come on." With that, she takes my arm, the one connected to my good shoulder, and drags me out of my cell and through the halls. We're accompanied by two guards, both of them following us like ghosts but I can't even think about them.

My mind is spinning and turning, my thoughts getting more hectic the longer we walk. This is the first time I'm allowed to leave my room and I can't even focus on my surroundings.

When we finally reach the elevator, I can't seem to breathe. First off, the small space is deadly silent apart from the impatient tapping of Melanie's foot.

But worse than that, anticipation for what we'll be greeted with once we reach the lobby is killing me.

With a racing heart, I watch the floor numbers drop.

30, the number lights up.

My lungs are protesting from the lack of oxygen so I take in a shallow breath.

Why am I nervous? So what if I'm about to see the man that I hate for the first time since he's killed one of his men for me?


I release some air before taking more into my lungs.

Who cares that his laugh has been stuck in my brain ever since the day I heard it? That I've spent hours trying to imagine what he must look like without his stubborn scowl but with amusement in those dark eyes instead.


God, this elevator moves so slowly!


Never mind. Oh, never flipping mind, this elevator is going down way too fast.


I take one deep, steadying breath as the number 0 light up and we come to a halt.

The doors slide open at an agonizingly slow pace but even before they disappear fully do my eyes lock on a familiar pair.

Enzo's standing all the way on the other side of the lobby, leaning casually against one of the pillars in the room as Leo confers with him but his gaze is fixed on me, freezing me in place. I can feel it moving over me, scorching each and every inch of my body as if he were touching me.

I wish he were touching me...

I pull my mind out of the gutter right as Leo notices his friend's attention has shifted. He turns around to see what Enzo's looking at only for his jap to literally drop.

"Hot damn." His words reach me softly.

I loved writing this chapter so I hope u guys enjoy it:))

And in case you guys don't already, check out my tt (bookacc1) for exclusive parts and sneak peaks before chapters are uploaded...

Video of his reaction will be up tonight;))

Have a great night and see you with another chapter tmr:))

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