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"How.. long have I been out?" Steve asked groggily. "I remember being... stabbed... then seeing Claire." His color returning to his face and body. "Wait CLAIRE!" Steve shouted as he fell to his knee.

"Hey hey easy." (F/N) knelt down to him to help. "You probably need a minute to rest before anything."

"But I need to find her!" He looked around realizing his location and calmed down. "Where am I?"

"You're in some sort of fahc-ility." The woman in black responded.

"Facility." (F/N) corrected her.

"I'm trying father. Some of these words are difficult." The girl rubbed the back of her head.

"What is the year?" Steve hoisted up his body slowly.

"2023. December if that helps."

Steve looked at the man in grief-stricken suprise.

"25 years... the world missed me for 25 years." He scoffed and stared down. "I'm literally the man out of time. Oh my god..."

"That's one way to put it. Anyway let's get you to safety." (F/N) nodded to his daughter. "Come with us. We can give you food, clothes, and directions to get out of this region safely."

Although Steve was skeptical at the man's helpful nature he complied because he had no other options. Steve followed them as they lead the way out of the abandoned lab.

"This place looks so deserted. Even more so than that one jackass' mansion." Steve spoke in observance.

"Who's mansion?" (F/N) turned his head back.

"I remember there was... some little rich spoiled punk that sent me to their family owned prison on their island. His name was... what was it?? Oh! Alfred Ashford!"

"Ashford... I feel like I heard the name listed in some documents I found within Miranda's hold."

Steve's face perked up.

"Wait you know about that? Tell me, was there a list of survivors from that island?? Anyone that escaped alive?!"

(F/N) merely nodded.

"There were no confirmed survivors of the prison so to say, except for the Redfield siblings. Can't remember the names, but they're quite the pair from what I heard."

Steve's eyes lit up and he was on the brink of tears.

"She lives... SHE LIVES!" He smiled excitedly.

"So that was who you were worried about." (F/N) smiled. "Well alright then. As I stated before let's get you some supplies and then get you ready for the trip." He turned to his daughter. "Marianne I'm gonna send our new guest back and I'll be back in a flash. Send me a signal should anything come up."

"Okie dokie dad." She raised a hand to do a goofy salute. "See ya soon guy."

"My name is Ste-" Steve got cut off as (F/N) grabbed his arm and phased out of place.

They arrived inside a castle of an amazing architecture. Steve's eyes trailed all over the magnificent decor.

"What just happened? How did we get here from there?!" Steve asked bewildered.

"It's a long story. I'll discuss it with you sometime." (F/N) responded before raising his voice towards the stairs. "Alcina I'm back momentarily with a guest."

Steve looked around until he shuddered from a feeling of dread seeing a large brimmed black hat. The woman's face clearly white revealed a thick red texture of lipstick, her eyelashes dazzling in the light, her eyes were in refined elegance just her posture straightened against the railing, and her long curled hair rested on top of her shoulders. Her eyes blinked a few times as she spoke waving her hand.

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