The Calm

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Alcina's breaths were hollow as she struggled to keep herself awake. Her veins were more apparent showcasing her blue and black against her white skin. Her stomach grumbled loudly from the hunger. She had been in the darkness for only a few weeks, yet she only held on by a thread with each passing moment. Anything could happen if she even dozed off to sleep away the pain.

The daughters were lying against the floor unmoving. Their bodies showcased their skeletons being visible with every vibration of the flies. Like their mother, they too have been subjected to starvation. Cassandra's finger phased in and out of crystallized remains before returning back to normal after she clutched it close to her chest weakly.

It's been 3 weeks and already the researchers grew troubled at the frequent attitude changes occurring within their leader as he showed cases of what seemed like compulsive spasms with his head as he scratched it constantly. He refused an examination and only asked for never-ending brutality among his hostages he called lab rats. Hunk was stationed to the facility, but his patience was thin at the incompetence of his employers with Ivan's lack of progress until he recieved a transmission giving out new orders he listened to in aggreance. The researchers shook their heads at the moniters displaying the many subjects.

"Sir... you expect us to get results like this?" One member asked. "It's more as if you're allowing your personal vendetta cloud true pro-"

"Did I ask for an opinion!?" Ivan spat out.

Hunk listened watching a seperate monitor displaying Alexander and Lysithea. He had used his battered wing to comfort her through the passing days. Hunk could only shake his head at this. Their skin tones were so pale and their faces were sunken. He was nursing his sister with a sort of blood from his wing stem for her to drink from with her hands forming a cup. She fed some to him as he coughed it off before swallowing.

"These kids aren't worth all of this unnecessary torture." Hunk thought to himself. "Makes me regret that god-forsaken castle mission and fishing them out of there..."

A researcher who previously spoke up tapped his chair uncomfortably turning to Ivan.

"The company isn't too happy with your decisions sir." He warned. "This does nothing to help aid us."

"Did I ask what the company thinks?!" Ivan threw a chair against the floor. "THEY SHOULD BE GRATEFUL I EVEN CONSIDER THEM FIT TO WIPE MY ASS!"

The three researchers shifted uncomfortably at the small outburst. Hunk merely stood up at this in annoyance.

"The company happens to pay me more than you do. Do not forget they are watching your every move Ivan. Should they ask it I can displace those unnecessary from leadership. By any means necessary. By any means I see fit. For as long as I oversee these "works of a madman" that is."

This suprised him to hear Hunk make what sounded like a grim threat.

"The Grim Reaper threatens the man who pays his salary?" He had a dark smile before it became a frown. "Get the fuck out of my building then. Go be an obedient dog somewhere else for all I care! You're ties to this company will never let you be free of that I am certain!!!"

Hunk was unpredictable Ivan knew that much. His emotions were taking over and so was this new itch he developed as he scratched the back of his head profusely.

"You have one week." Hunk stated turning around. "They expect results and not a power trip. You would do well to remember I am good at what I do." The door opened. "Be certain of that. Your team thinks the same so do your goddamn job or pay the price."

The door closed leaving Ivan furiously scratching his head until a drop of blood formed from his rather unusually shaped nails.

"Provide those animals food and tap water. We need them alive to get those vultures off my back." Ivan commanded as the team looked at him in concern. "NOW!!!"

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