The Negotiator

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An awkward moment between (F/N) and the Commander was brief, but heavily influenced the enemies distrust in each other. One came here on orders while another is merely here for those he cares about.

"So. Gonna kill me? Is that it?" The Commander asked.

"I'd rather you leave if I'm being honest."

"Hmph. Good luck with that-"

"50 soldiers."

"What?" The commander narrowed his eyes.

"You're losing over half of them and more by your mission. How many of these men have families to go back to or better yet, how many know about what they are doing here in Romania?" (F/N) stabbed the black blade into the table. "I'd really like to know what your next words will be when you tell your superiors you failed."

The commander gritted his teeth and clenched his fist.

"You have no idea who you are dealing with do you?"

(F/N) was unamused at his anger. He stood up from his chair and placed a hand over his chin, scratching at an itch.

"I'm pretty sure I do. Those "soldiers" you have." (F/N) turned to him. "They're not gonna survive against what you would call B.O.W.s. It's like cattle walking into a slaughter thinking they have a chance at surviving when really they need to dig up corpses of Lycans just to try and get the job done. Which by the way, horrible idea. Lieutenant Harkin? Was it? The man you placed in charge over in the church is literally being ripped to shreds right now."


"See for yourself. It's by those monsters you thought would help you." He pointed to the window. "When you realize they tear anything that moves to pieces without hesitating."

The commander looked out the window to only see a wolf-like creature splashing a pair of intestines to the window. The growls followed with loud roars from Lycans climbing onto the rooftops. They numbered in groups of 7.


"The B.S.A.A. is also here. Although they aren't human compared to your men for some reason." (F/N) smirked and leaned against the wall. "You are in quite a jam Commander Tony Redgrave."

He stared at the man with the goat skull above his face and felt his fury rising.

"What's stopping you from killing me. Just fucking do it!"

"That photo you keep in your case." (F/N) pointed to the other table full of equipment. "You have a family as I do. If you have any common sense you would understand why I'm here and telling you to leave."

"Your "family" killed my men!"

"And you were the ones who shot first. YOU were the one who gave the order to kill us except Steve Burnside. YOU sent those men in there knowing it was a death trap so shut the hell up and SIT DOWN!"

Redgrave slammed his fist against the wall and sat back down. His tone was more furious than it was before.

"What of Agent Redfiled?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"Safe at the castle."

"Figures." He scoffed. "I knew she would run the first chance she got. However, we have the incentive to keep her in that little cage called obligation."

"Oh you mean the cure for Steve?" (F/N) smiled under his mask.

Redgrave was silent at his quick response.

"Give me a hard one."

"A hard one huh? This supposed to be a guessing game for you?" Redgrave pulled out his pistol. "HOW ABOUT I JUST SHOOT YOU WHERE YOU STAND?!"

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