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A body shambling through the woods of the cold had no place to go. Starved, it searched and searched for a food source. A trail of blood droplets stained the ground as it stumbled. The crowd watched carefully deciding to feast upon the walking carcass, but ultimately chose not to upon seeing it's movement. They instead resided upon the tree branches they were perched on. The creature stumbled against the ground and fell face first.

Years before, it's earliest memory was feeling so much pain course through the body. The cries were feminine as it ran away to dark ventilation shafts. The smells were clouded the broken nostrils by the sea and rotting flesh. A woman of dark hair and clad in gear was the prey of the creature. Her words as she spoke were crisp and clear while the creature's voice was slightly distorted thanks to the mutation. Within the creature's gear was a bloodied badge that lay unused in the pocket. The woman in the photo has blood splatters covering her neck and her hair laid flat over her eyes. Her puckered lips portrayed a bouncy attitude that leaked across her face as she smiled widely. The letters of the name were clear, but the date of birth and important information was stained in red.

Rachel Foley

The creature felt something dig into it's side and clumsily dug out the badge. Years of carrying it and the body transformation dug the badge inside the skin. The badge showed the woman's face and the creature stopped moving to stare at the woman's features. It touched the picture with it's mangled hand, but it flew into a rage upon seeing the disgusting hand. It swung vividly at the space around it in a blind fury. The feminine cries and shrieks sounded through the woods. The crows perched flew away in terror.


The creature stopped and saw a small creek and squirmed it's way to the creek. It broke onto its knees and lowered to the water. A reflection frightened the creature, but it became transfixed at the appearance. The lips stained in dark color, the hair shaped into a part of strange flesh, the skin was pale in the sunlight, and the lifeless eye clouded in gray.

Her distorted voice choked back a sob seeing the shape in front of her. Rachel saw only her face, but became alive for a moment as she stared at her body in horror. Her cleavage was exposed to the sun, the hair became a tube surrounded across her body, her feet became contorted into sharp single toes without nails, her left arm was more human, but her right was torn open creating a monstrous bladed weapon. She could only release her sobs seeing herself for the first time after so many years.

"Do you hear that Grandfather?" A child's voice spoke in the distance. "There must be a person nearby."

Rachel perked up her head returning to her clouded mind of hunger and slowly crawled towards the voice.

"I don't hear nothing grandson. You know it'll scare of the deer." An older voice said with a light chuckle.

Rachel crawled faster hearing the second voice and stopped at a large bush. For a brief moment she was taken back to the moment upon the ship she waited within the vents for any unsuspecting victims. The child ran up to his grandfather that was carrying a rifle and talked to him.

"I could have sworn I heard a woman crying by the creek."

"Hm well alright let's put the hunt on hold for now." The grandfather slung back his rifle.

Like a hunter waiting for the precise moment to strike Rachel held in her occasionally voice slips and was as still as a statue watching the pair. They slowly were coming across the bush. Her arms slowly stretch further through the bush as the old man got closer and closer. The child was further away on the man's left so she could only grab him while chasing the child. She saw her chance as heard a branch snap. He turned his head to the bush spotting Rachel's grotesque form and she nabbed him through the branches. The child turned hearing the commotion and saw a puddle of blood leak from the bushes and heard gurgling noises. He shook like a leaf as he inspected and saw his grandfather's lifeless eyes look up in horror as his head was being torn from his neck. A wet sound plopped beside the child's shoe and he saw his grandfather's head slip through as quickly as it fell. He screamed and sprinted away as fast as his legs could carry him.

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