Hope is lost

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The creature loomed over the frightened woman ready to strike. It's mouth revealed uneven sharp teeth with a transparent jaw.


In a single moment Rachel's fear disappeared witnessing a hard blow knock back the creatures jaw. Each fold of skin made it jiggle as it flew back from the recoil. Alexander huffed and winced at the pain from his cuts. He breathed a few times and tore out three of its teeth embedded in his two knuckles. They clattered on the ground. He ripped off a piece of his already tattered shirt. Rachel watched as he bandaged his knuckles watching the creature lurk away in the shadows of the water pool.

"We're safe. For now..." Alexander slunk to a hunched stance. "Ow."

"You came for me..?"

Alexander smiled weakly and lowered himself to hug her. To get suprise she returned the hug.

"How? How did you find me?!"

"You carry a strong scent of salt as if you were the ocean itse-"

Alexander was interrupted by a kiss upon his lips. His body went limp as the pain drifted away even for a second. She broke away and hugged tightly. Alexander couldn't move as he was so shocked and happy at the same time. He blinked and broke from his gaze as Rachel smiled.

"Y-y-yo-you. My lips-you tasted my-my lips."

"You helped me. It took me back to that dark place I was before. You freed me Alexander. You freed me. Thank you."

Alexander let out a suprised laugh and called out in joy. Rachel was lifted as if she were a bride suprising her.

"Come. Let me save you more."

"W-wait Alex!"

Alexander burst out his wings through his already ripped back part of his shirt gliding across the cloth. His wings were slightly larger and had scars upon the bone. He quickly flapped them to ascend.

"Wait Aleeeeeeeeeex!!!"

Alexander flew from the caverns entrance from the darkness ahead. His body passed each obstacle stalagmites with ease as the glowing crystals illuminated a path ahead. Rachel covered her face in his chest until she could feel a softer breeze. The opening of the cavern fell behind with Alexander slowing down at the middle of the lake. Rachel observed in awe at parts of the rubble of the previous fishing village.

"My father forbade us from coming her as babes. I would always sneak out Lysithea to see and play here in those great sunrises." He chuckled. "The torment I brought alongside with her as soon as we returned. Mother never used ignoramus as much as she did with my behavior."

Rachel looked up at the boy. He seemed different as his scowl was replaced with an upbeat expression. She noticed a building with smoke coming out from a vent.

"Is that?"

"Our temporary quarters yes! Hold, let me guide you."

Lysithea sat by the water down the small hill and sniffled. Her face was reflected back. She didn't get a good look at herself in a mirror as her face was older and her frame was growing. Her hair was matted and knotted behind her neck alongside her rough hands from the whole event. So much has happened in the span of a few days with her only having a weakened resolve. Cer wanted to approach, but couldn't after Alexander left. Lysithea was building a wall around herself blocking out all who would try to heal her. The only thing she could do was desperately search for a link. Anything to show her father was safe and alive.

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