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Donna watched in horror out of the window as many armed men began loading up her family in restraints and stretchers. She covered her mouth trying to hold her breath as she saw the soldiers get closer to the building. Dorian was about to let out a cry, but was silenced as Donna rocked him gently hiding behind the wall. The soldiers were about to open the door before they got a transmission.

"Return to base. We no longer require this "Duke" individual. Continue search at Beneviento Manor at 0900."

"Roger that."

They moved back to hook the stretchers to a cable rippling down from the chopper. Once hooked on the soldiers wired them up for retrieval and in turn hooked themselves. Donna looked at the rifle and noticed the Duke shaking his head.

"Think carefully Ms. Beneviento... Choose wisely."

Donna set down Dorian beside her and ran her hands along the gun to feel it out. She never fired or touched a gun before, but she needed to learn fast as Rachel was the last one being rappled up. She aimed at the cable trying to steady the sight with her hands trembling. She got a clear shot. Her heart thumped in her ears as her finger rested upon the trigger. She breathed out slowly and was about to shoot before a hand rested on her shoulder. She turned around prepared to fight back before her mouth was covered by a gloved hand. The covered man shook his head as the soldiers prepared to leave with the chopper echoing away in the distance. The man took his hand off her mouth and apologized before walking to the Duke.

"Apologies stranger... Couldn't allow you to be taken as those children were." He said to her before turning to the Duke. "Old friend."

"Diego Sera." The Duke smiled warmly. "It's grand to see you in these ire times."

The men shook hands. Donna picked up a needy Dorian and rested him in her arms.

"Why... did you stop me?"

"These men... would've killed you had they not known who you were. Any sort of gunfire would frighten your babe and give away your position."

"Donna Beneviento. Please welcome my dear friend from his weary travels and forgive his actions. He is earnest and cares for the needy as such." The Duke said.

"Where were... you sooner?!"

"Just arrived miss. Got word a tad too late and didn't witness anything until the final one fell. I came through the rear entrance and saw what you were about to do. My apologies for not arriving sooner. I had no such clue to as to how dire this irksome situation would be." He lowered his head and removed his backpack. "I have come to help aid the crisis, free of charge."

"A fortunate ally and entrepreneur of the firearm arts that will be of assistance to you Ms. Beneviento I can assure you." The Duke spoke casually. "Need only my other friend here to truly stage such a daring rescue."

"Guns... will not be... enough."

"Naturally. I also carry valuable information of these individuals per receiving my letter." The merchant spoke gruffly. "Have a look."

He pulled out a folded map from within his coat pocket and laid it out on the ground when he lowered himself. His grunts were from his age as he knelt unfolding the map. Donna stepped forward and leaned down as well. He flipped the large map over and traced his finger of the region to the southeast.

"A contact I frequently communicate with has  mentioned a shipping order of ammunition and specialized liquid nitrogen rounds in a set towards these specific locations." He placed his finger on three spots equally 11 inches away from each other with one in the mountains, a town, and a few kilometers away from the town. "This region here, is only a day's journey from where we stand. If anything my time with my homeland has taught me is that these locations will be quite dangerous without the right kit." His dark eyes met hers. "Expect the unexpected and not rush blind eh?"

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