2nd wave

52 3 21

"Karl Heisenberg. You're coming with me."

A laugh escaped his lips as he shook his head.

"You people never learn." Karl sighed.

Just before a gear assembled to attack the figure before him there was a needle that zipped past the figure and embedded into Karl's chest. Within seconds Karl convulsed and writhed on the ground arching his body upwards. A loud screech escaped his lips as the black substance oozed from his body.

"W-wha-t the hell... did you do to me?!"

Karl contorted to the left struggling to breathe as the figure watched and butted the stock of their gun to his skull. The figure placed a finger on their ear touching a device.

"Extraction requested. Target 4 has been apprehended and the parasite has been neutralized. Yes- yes sir. Of course. Understood. Beginning the search for Commander Redgrave. Hunk out."


"New orders sir?"

"Your prime objective has changed. The samples remain with the chopper that will return to base then be your next extraction once your new objectives are complete. Find and retrieve Commander Redgrave. Special needles have been provided that weaken the Cadou parasite within a host. The needles are laced with the anti-viral agent that destroys a large portion of poisoned blood from the parasite and leaves the body as a black substance. It other words, it weakens it as a whole and will be destroyed if the host is exposed to this more than once. Your other field agent will assist you as her obligation to do so after her "insubordination" has been documented by Redgrave before his dissappearance."

"Those creatures from before? What of our hostiles?"

"Same effect. They are not invincible. We also are sending you files of what we have gathered of this "family" that you will find useful in your objective."

Hunk silently walked to the briefcase placed on a seat inside the helicopter and opened it. Inside were the needles, the gun for it. The files were labeled by their names. The children had code names with question marks docked under relations and real names.





Hunk observed the snapshots of their faces and recognized the boy. He wore a similar look to how he was when he faced off against him.


The one unknown factor was the woman he remembered fired at him. The papers revealed her file and it was printed in the official FBC deceased list.

Rachel Foley

Field agent sent to retrieve viral samples of the T-abyss virus that has leaked on a cruise ship named The Queen Zenobia. Killed in action as reported by her partner, our informant, Raymond Vester. He has concluded her disappearance and death ultimately came from the destruction of the vessel and the virus. Her next of kin are next to none as her parents died after she turned 20 years of age. No record of her existence in FBC will be further noted as intended by property of B.S.A.A. forces.

An eyewitness report from Top Field Agents Chris Redfield, Parker Luciani, and Jill Valentine suggest Rachel became infected by the virus through consumption from infected hostiles. A journal she wrote before her death has been transcripted by Agent Valentine and has been preserved in evidence of the Queen Zenobia incident.

Her body has never been found after scavenging the wreckage of the Queen Zenobia until today...

"That woman..."

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