Full Circle

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The two men standing before each other had a look of distain for each other. One was head of operations while the other was the operation himself. Behind his mask he only had a deadpan expression trying to read his leader. The leader's eyes glowed behind the glasses as he smirked.

"Agent Hunk... also known by your reputation to be Mr. Death." Wesker spoke. "I can trust that you don't ask questions and get the job handled as a professional would. I do ask you." He turned around. "Have you retrieved any of the evidence regarding the Ashford's involvement with this project of theirs?"

"Yes sir."

"Good." Wesker turned back around and placed his hand on Hunk's shoulder. "You would've made an excellent S.T.A.R.S leader had things been different in the past."

Hunk felt insulted at his coy words. The mention of S.T.A.R.S made him want to express his frustration. He remained stone faced.

"I work better alone sir."

"That you do." Wesker smiled and walked past him three steps. "Your mask hides any semblance of a human underneath. You seem like me only with the weakness of mortality."

"A preaching isn't what I need. I need my objectives and that is all. Is that clear sir?"

"Hmph. Well alright. That file on my desk should have everything you should know about "that" mansion." Don't forget to burn it after reading."

The footsteps echoed across the halls and were gone leaving Hunk by himself. He stared at the file and opened it.

"Intel marks the location at -- longitude, -- latitude. Assignment: retrieve the sample of secret experiment CT 5555 through whatever means neccessary. Our scouting indicates multiple hostiles and a strange fog surrounds the property within and in the outer area. Communications will be in touch through this expedition. EXERCISE EXTREME CAUTION AROUND THIS UNKNOWN ENTITIY SPOTTED THROUGHOUT THE HALLS.

Agent Hunk
Bastien Wilson
Lillian Foster

Hunk observed the strange faded photo attached to the paper and held it within his fingers.

Hunk observed the strange faded photo attached to the paper and held it within his fingers

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Hunk grabbed a lighter from his vest and set the paper aflame. He set away the lighter and threw the paper in a empty metal trashcan. The words on the back of the photo were slowly being burned away.

-he Hook Man

(F/N) sat down by the same table as he did with Commander Redgrave earlier. Many weapons were pointed at him from both surviving members and Redgrave himself. His wounded hand had a massive bloody rag tightly wrapped around the knub. It seems he cauterized it recently explaining his heavy breathing and occasional winces.

"I can explain the previous altercation."

"Two of my men have died. You call that a time for an apology?!" Redgrave shouted.

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