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(F/N) stepped away from the room and faded himself into the library. To everyone's suprise he had a tearful smile as he spoke.

"Dorian Beneviento is the name we chose."

"Father that's wonderful news!" The children's expressions became excited.

"Come with me, but please don't be too loud ok. He's sleeping right now." He motioned his hand. "Steve... come join us. Donna would like to thank you personally for earlier."

"Oh again it's nothing. I'm just glad the baby came out safe." Steve smiled.

"I owe you for this." He turned his head to his kids. "Go see him kids. I wish to have a moment with Steve alone."

"Of course father." They nodded and left the library.

The eerie silence filled the room as (F/N)'s smile remained, but his eyes looked sad as his gaze turned to Steve.

"I have something to tell you and you're not gonna like it."

"Oh yeah..? What might that be?" Steve asked.

"The thing keeping me alive told me in order to extend my life as it has been doing... I have to kill you."

"I knew something like this would happen-"

"But hear me out. I'm not going to kill you." (F/N) sighed. "I want you to help me kill it."

Steve was dumbfounded at his words and couldn't form a valid response.

"So let me get this straight... You want me, to kill something keeping you alive, but it wants you to kill me." Steve spoke in an angry tone.

"I already thought about it and realized what this means once it dies. I will die too. I needed to wait until my son was born so he could live, but at the same time..." He sighed and rubbed his temple. "I would be leaving everyone else for good..."

Steve was slowly understanding what he meant from both the tones and seeing his relationship with his family. Granted Steve didn't trust him still even with this new information of his motives now apparent, but he wasn't like his father where he cared more for his job than his own kin. Steve leaned against a bookshelf and spoke.

"You're ok with dying and leaving your family behind?"

"By no means am I ok with either choices." (F/N) shook his head. "One kills you and paints me in a light where I'm shunned by my children and being selfish for wanting to live. The other is of course leaving them so you may live..."

His voice went quiet as he stared at Steve. A angered, yet saddened face was staring back at him in understandment.

"Growing up without a father." Steve moved off the shelf. "I wouldn't wish that upon anyone whether they were good or bad. You aren't like my father and I know how much you have to sacrifice. However, I refuse to die."

"As you should. Being stuck in that tube for as long as you have." (F/N) agreed.

The two had a moment of clarity from their views toward each other. One being without a real father and one being a real father. One had nothing to lose while another had everything. A single truth was realized by the two men as they stared back at each other. One will die whether they accept it or not.

"I have a single day before I die regardless. So..." (F/N) choked. "If anything happens. Take care of them..."

Steve was lost for words once more as he faded away from his place. Steve could only stare at the floor in silence after hearing such pain in his voice. His ears perked up as he could hear light sobbing behind the door. It must have been Marianne as he could hear her voice between sniffles.

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