The Storm

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Hunk was sitting beside a monitor in a dark desolate room of the facility. His phone was resting upon the table waiting for a caller at any moment. He opened the bulky dark laptop and turned on the power. Within seconds the screen came to life displaying a false Umbrella logo with tiny letters inscribed "H.C.P." behind the colors. Hunk looked behind him before taking off his mask.

Ring ring
Ring rin-

Hunk answered in silence until the voice spoke.

"Agent Hunk. I presume we will expect adequate results from now on?"


"Excellent. Our VIPs are expecting the promised candidates that should have been available 2 months ago?"

"Sir, if I may speak freely."

" may?"

"Why do you request so many children exactly?" Hunk leaned back eyeing the door. "What's the endgame."

"I don't pay you to ask questions that can get you terminated!"

"Humor me sir."

"Ugh. Fine. Your service has been proven useful time and time again all these years." The voice was silent. "Project Cerberus. That's all I will say."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

Hunk felt frustrated at the lack of information as the memories of the Spencer Castle caught up with him. It lingered as much as that fog did within his mind.

"What exactly is Project Cerberus? This is the first I've heard of it."

"And I expect it to be your last of hearing so drop it!"

Hunk rolled his eyes.

"I've been through more than you can ever compare your nightmares to. So do me a favor and humor an old man even after killing that high ranker..."

"Quite persistent. Has Mr. Death gone soft..?"

"I haven't gone soft for anyone." Hunk clenched his fist tightly.

"Alright then. Project Cerberus involves the children you acquired from Romania and E-001. This mold and Mutamycete variant found from this Miranda will prove fruitful to our plans."

"This doesn't involve that ideology of that fool Wesker now does it?"

"Wesker was an idealist that was our greatest creation, yet couldn't understand abusing the gift that his blood would be his downfall as well as allowing his sentiments get in the way of his goals."

"The S.T.A.R.S. team..."

"Correct. Speaking of which, has the device adjusted well to the girl."

Hunk sighed from the mere mention of it.

"She is still constantly resisting and it is beginning to affect her work-"

"Hm. So we should increase the dosage from it. Noted."

"It is not wise to make an enemy of the Redfields." Hunk warned. "Their records speak for themselves."

"Oh please. It's only a matter of time before Chris joins us under the frontlines." The man smiled behind his phone. "The B.S.A.A. has grown impatient and noticed the change in their ranks fast with Chris nearing retirement as most of their seasoned fighters are. Their outside forces have grown independently as of late and undergoing new changes that don't align with their main headquarters regarding the use of their new soldiers. Henceforth, the suspicions from Mr. Redfield and a select few such as Jill Valentine."

The Past RevivedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz