Chain of Control

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"So. Indulge me." (F/N) leaned forward looming over a tied soldier. "What worth are you all to me?"

The soldier was quiet. They all knew the answer, but didn't account for their internal clocks ticking on his patience.

"They already told me... of the plan, husband." Donna said coming to his side. "I made sure of it."

"Thank you."

"You sick fucks..." A soldier on the far right spoke gritting his teeth.

"That's hilarious."

"All of you. You abominations will be disposed of once Umbrella seeks revenge. Those samples weren't the only thing we wanted." He laughed. "We need you and your hellspawn to brighten our futures!!!"

Donna put a finger to her cheek observing the man's hysterical laughter afterward. Her eyes could see his shaking legs.

"This one has been driven mad by fear. Making... lies to mask it."

"I see that." He whispered before raising his voice. "Any one of you wish to live? Show of hands?"

The joke only made them frustrated than scared.

"Ok look. Maybe I'll just kill you all right now unless you can justify yourselves. Because if I remember correctly one of you shot at my daughter. You were intent on killing a being that hasn't even aged past 5 years. That garbage I cannot stand." His hands clenched the wooden chairs intensely. "Prove you're not a bunch of murderers deep down."

"Fuck yo-"

A swift slice was all it took. The lower jaw was still intact as the top slid off the far left soldier. He was silenced quickly and precisely. The other soldiers exchanged expressions of fear as his voice became even darker. Donna too was becoming scared.


(F/N) cut the ropes and watched as the soldiers broke down on their knees almost as if they were praying. Jackass continued to stare at the floor in a trance from her chair. Donna rushed to her watching her husband resemble Mother Miranda with his display of anger.


"Please... I wanna live!"  One sobbed.

"Just let us go and you'll never see us again!"

"I have a family!"

(F/N) froze at that last one and gripped his throat hoisting his body to press against the wall.

"A family?? You sure have no problem with killing mine."

"I- hrkk ughfff."

" SPEAK!!!!"

"(F/N) (L/N)!!!!" Donna shouted.

The soldier was beginning to feel his body become cold as the grip loosened around his throat. He fell against the wall and struggled for air. (F/N) slowly turned to Donna bearing golden irises that burned with hatred. He turned to the soldier and had the urge to spit on his chest after the memories he saw from that brief grab. He saw enough to convince him he was beyond redemption.

"You are not a monster. You are a good man who has saved me! I will not see you make a choice you will regret."

"You didn't see what I saw." His lip quivered before he roared out. "THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT INNOCENT! THEY ARE THE MONSTERS! NOT US! WHO TARGETED US? THEY DID! WHO THREATENED TO DESTROY OUR HOME! THEY DID! WHO IMPRISONED A MAN FOR MANY YEARS! they did..." He slumped over the table. "None of them deserve my mercy. I try to be the negotiator, I try to hold back the reason I'm dying again, and I try to be a father along with being a husband. I am one event away from annihilating every single one of those scum off the face of the earth!"

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