New face, Old ally

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The binding hurt alongside her thighs as she winced from the fabric slowly wrapped around.

"Chunks of your flesh fell off one by one as I watched you. You screamed for an agonizing 5 minutes until you passed out on the stone. What I did
allowed your body to revert back to it's natural state however, it left you with the side effects you can clearly see."

" what?" Rachel asked.

She winced as the fabric tightened slowly across her leg.

"I'm sorry if it's too rough on you. I don't have much practice except for a few scrapes and injuries from-" His voice trailed off. "Activities" so to speak."

Rachel looked at her body and focused on the small discoloration within her joints and veins. The smell from her body made her a little queasy.

"Can... I please bathe. As soon as possible even?"

"Yes. Just let me add the final touch." He reached behind him to pull a green bottle. "Now I will warn you. This will hurt. A lot. Trust me I know."

Rachel bit her lip and nodded quickly.

"Just do it. I can take it."

He shrugged and popped open the cork. He gently poured the medicine over her exposed flesh wounds.

"AHHHHHH SSSSSSSS FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!" She smashed her hand against the table a few times. "Hngh hngh hoo ok. Ok... ok... ahhh owwww. That wasn't so bad."

She groaned as the rest of the bandages were applied onto her body. She attempted to stand up and her legs wobbled. A vine of black held her up to her suprise. She watched as he waved down his hand forming a somewhat chair.

"Come. You can bathe first before I bring you in for questioning. Ok?"

"Can I ask something really quick?" She asked.

"What is it?"

"What are you?"

He was quiet turning away before looking back to her.

"A human, granted with power he never asked for..."

It didn't answer her question, but gave the implication he would rather not discuss it no matter how much she asked. She could only rest upon the vines holding her as they made their way to the bath chamber.

"You able to make it to the tub?" He asked.

"I should be." She stared at her wobbling legs. "I think."

He watched as she carefully walked over to a very large tub. He used a vine to hoist her inside. She looked around and popped her head over the rim.

"This tub is so huge!"

"It's my wife's. She's tall as a mountain, but even more elegant than any woman I ever came across." He answered.

With a swift motion a small jet of water streamed into the tub from a pipe. He casually swiped his hands allowing the use of many appliances become active. With a snap of his fingers candles engraved with thick wax were lit. A faint smell of handcrafted soap filled the air around Rachel.

"It's on your left. Towels are hanging over the side too." He said. "Oh and call out when you're done so I can lift you out. I'll fetch you some clothes."

"Thank you."

As she watched him leave she heard drips of water as the stream stopped. She looked down to see small droplets of blood turn the water murky. Using one arm, she was able to wash her body with ease despite the pain from bending down to the knees and ankles. Her breasts had little color to her nipples, but revealed a almost pink collarbone. She lowered herself in the water and felt a sense of ease. A single breath made her teary.

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