The Holy Spirit Came To Convict

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The Holy Spirit Came To Convict Of sin

Sometimes we can get so lost trying to change people that we forget we are vessels, we can be tools in which God can bring light to others. We can correct others. We can teach others. We can encourage others. We can speak to others but we can't change them the way only God can do. This is the work of the Holy Spirit.

You'll get yourself weary trying to change others but once you've done all you can by God's grace, leave the rest to the work of the Holy Spirit who can teach, guide and correct His people.

To the person who desires someone to change. You desire for that person to let go of those bad habits, to stop with that sinful lifestyle and you're doing all you can to share the word with them and help them. Learn to trust and rely on the Holy Spirit to change people.

If you have parents who are stubborn and have flaws that you desire for them to overcome, pray that the Holy Spirit brings them to conviction. If you notice a friend starting to backslide but she isn't listening, ask the Holy Spirit to convict her. Ask for this person to receive the conviction, listen to it and repent.  If there is a family member who you want to receive Christ, pray God unveils their heart to receive the gospel.

Don't stress yourself to change people but rely on the Holy Spirit to do the work. It's His job to use your obedience and His strength to change the lives of people. Ask for His help.


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