Purpose Behind Fasting

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The purpose behind fasting isn't to show off neither is it a transaction deal with God. We don't fast to earn Christian good points or to say "Becauze I fasted, give what I want!"

The purpose of fasting is not this. Fasting is humility, it's surrender and dependacy on God. When we fast, we humble oursleves and surrender. We tempaory let go of what I body needs to focus on our spiritual growth.

Just like our body needs food, water and oxygen. Our spirit needs intimacy with God. We let go of what our body needs temporary and use that time to rather focus on our spiritual growth.

It's a moment where we say no to our flesh and yes to our spiritual needs. It's a moment of sacrifice.

If you fast but rather focus on watching the clock or watching shows and movies that don't add to your spiritual growth during your time of fasting. You're not fasting, you're either doing a hunger strike or under starvation. Fasting is praying and seeking God.

I know many of us can be at school, work or just busy but it doesn't count as fasting if during your time of fasting you barely prayer or read the word of God.

What my father would do because he has work, inbewteen his time of work He would take 10 minute breaks to pray, meditate on the word etc

So though he was busy, he still makes time to read the word and pray because his fasting

Fasting is not torture where your crying and thinking about food. It's a time where you let go of what you want fleshly and go after spiritual desire. Where instead of that snack you desire, when you feel that hunger you go to God and let Him fill you.

Fasting is the opportunity to do good. Serve others, give to the poor the food you know you can't eat, help others, pray, worship and read the word during your time of fasting.

So I want to encourage you that when you fast, disconnect from the world a little and instead use that time you would usually use to scroll on social media, watch a movie or go out to rather pray, worship etc. When you catch yourself scrolling or getting distracted, remember you're fasting and your focus is on the Lord.


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