Prayers and Emotions

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Alright, today's post is not to discourage you from praying. That would be ridiculous. But there's something you definitely need to know about communicating with God.

There will be times when you pray and you won't feel better immediately. Things won't improve immediately and you might feel like your prayers didn't work or that you've done something to offend God. This isn't the case. If there's one thing this year has taught me it's that you can't pray the pain away.

Sometimes you'll feel alone, sad or angry and the feeling won't go away. You'll talk to God and know that he's gonna handle situation but still feel upset about it. And that's actually ok.

Its ok to be down for a while. To get upset about that test or the friendship that just ended. You wouldn't be human if you could just switch from one emotion to the other. Praying definitely helps but it takes time to heal from certain things. And giving yourself time to get better and feel better is more than ok.

Even Jesus Christ expressed himself. He wasn't an exception. In John 11:35, he wept because his very good friend Lazarus had died. Jesus knew he could heal him, he knew that everything would be ok but Lazarus' death still had an effect on him.

If we didn't have these down days or days that we wouldn't feel like ourselves, we wouldn't be able to emphasize with others and that would make preaching the gospel really difficult.

And it's by working through the pain that you can become a better person. This year has taught me all about being patient  and less judgemental. I still get hurt by certain things and I still wish my circumstances were different but things are easier now because I trust God. I know that there are better days ahead.

It's also really cool to be able to give advice that helps. I love seeing the people I love happy and I love it when they confide in me as well. God didn't give us emotions so that we could pray them away or hide them. He wanted us to use them to help others while learning to understand them and eventually overcome negative ones.

Ignoring your emotions, avoiding them or invalidating won't help you. You'll feel stuck and lose motivation. You might even feel weak. You can always talk to God about how you feel, he's your personal therapist. And even if after praying you don't feel completely better, it's alright. You will with time.

Pray as often as you can. Because even though things don't get better immediately,the Holy spirit can give you the peace you need to endure any situation. He gives you peace to keep you calm and sure in your faith even in the darkest hour.

Here are a few more bible verses
4 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.
2 Corinthians 1:4

5 For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ.
2 Corinthians 1:5

~ Anne :)

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