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"Hello Armyblinks!" Lisa waved at the camera, smiling widely. She decided to came live on vlive. But, she was alone not to mention it was for the very first time.

"How are you all? I am doing fine" She stopped not knowing what to say more, she really didn't know how to handle a live alone.

"It's been a while since i came live so, I thought I should go live today. But, I'm alone. I've never done a live alone.. did I?" She stopped again "Otteoke?"

She started reading comments to get some topic to talk about and interact more with Amryblinks.
"I love you Lisa" she read a comment. 
"Aww! I love you more!" She said, making finger heart.

"Where are you?"
"Oh, I am at Japan right now. I was supposed to be resting right now after our today's concert. But, I was so happy seeing Armyblinks today! I don't know when will I get used to seeing so many of you all, today I was surprised as well" she said laughing.

"Uhh.." she was laughing because it was being awkward now, she didn't had any topic to talk about. Silently sighing, she started reading the comments again.

"Where's V?"
"V oppa? I asked him to join me today for this live, but he said he doesn't want to" She said, rolling her eyes.

"I think I should call Jungkookie? You won't be bored with the two of us right?" she picked up her phone to text him.
"I think he will come soon" she kept the phone down and started talking about random things again.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, indicating someone was outside the hotel room. She picked up the camera with her and walked towards the door.

"Ne? Who's it?" She asked, peeping through the door's peephole.

"Jungkook? Why are you here?" She asked looking at the camera, mischievously.

"Didn't you text me to come?" He asked confused making her laugh.

She opened the door to let him in. Jungkook was wearing a black full sleeves tee with grey sweatpants, normal but still looking hot. They came inside the room and settled down on the couch keeping the camera at the table.

"Jungkook-ah, how are feeling after the concert?" Lisa asked looking at him. He glanced at her then at camera "I am happy. I think I enjoyed myself today and Armyblinks enjoyed too".

Lisa nodded her head. They started talking about tonight's concert before, "Jungkook marry me!" Lisa laughed, reading the comment.

"Sure! Call your parents" Jungkook winked at her, which made her blush but she tried to hide it with a laugh. 
"I was just reading the comment"

"Why that comment out of all?" He teased, making her giggle. Jungkook also laughed, watching her.

They were talking about some random things with a perfect amount of flirting and teasings.
The doorbell rang again, both of them stopped, as they looked towards the door. Jungkook got up to open the door, "if it's Tae Oppa, don't let him in!" Lisa shouted.

"I asked him to join but he refused, now I'll not let him in" She giggled at the camera.

When Jungkook opened the door, Jennie entered the room, "oh you're also here Jungkookie? I bought foods. Let's eat together." She wasn't visible to the camera, but her voice could be heard.

"Unnie? Hey!"

"What are you doing? Are you live?" Jennie asked, looking at the camera to which, Lisa nodded her head.
"Hey Armyblinks!" Jennie gave her gummy smile. She sat beside Lisa while Jungkook pulled a chair to sit.

FOUR♠️ TAENNIE LIZKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now