Rapid Fire

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"Hello and Welcome to our show, Zhang and Wang!"
(I made up the name hehe)

L - Thanks
V - Thank you!

"We welcome the recent sensation, biggest co ed group, Blackbangtan!"

JN - Thank you, thank you so much!
JK - It means a lot..

"As you already know, you're gonna play a quick rapid fire round of questions. You've to answer the respective question within 5 seconds. So, let's start?"

L - Yayyy!!
JN - hahaha yeah..

What's your favorite song to perform?

V - Our debut song.

What's your favorite dance step?

JK - Body roll?
L - Haha what?

What's your favorite food?

JN - Nurungji.

What's the best advice you've ever been given?

L - Don't give up no matter what.

Have you ever been in love?

V - Yes I have.

If you had to be a Disney character, what would you be?

JN - Elsa.. I love her.

What the first thing you notice when it comes to the opposite gender?

JK - Body.

What are you most grateful for, in the world?

L - love..

What's your biggest fear?

V - Heights.

What's your favorite thing about being an idol?

JN - We have so many people who love us..

What was the most difficult thing about preparing for your comeback album?

JK - There was nothing too difficult.

What was the concept or inspiration behind your music video?

L - Our inspiration, our fans.

Who are you closest with?

V - My members..

If not a kpop idol, what would you be?

JN - a chef?

What's your favorite album?

JK - Our? 4B..

What can fans expect from blackbangtan's new album?

L - it's limitless.

Who is your role model?

V - My father.

What would you say has been your biggest accomplishments as an idol so far?

JN - We convey our messages through our songs.

If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?

JK - Amsterdam with my members.

What are your hobbies outside of being an idol?

L - I don't know? There's so many haha.. but i really love doing make up you know?

Do you have any advice for aspiring idols?

V - Do not give no matter what.

Is there anything you don't like about being an idol?

JN - There's nothing actually. But sometimes when we're too busy and don't have time for ourselves i guess.

How do you stay healthy and fit while maintaining such a  busy schedule?

JK - Hard work.

What's your favorite moment on stage?

L - Everytime i see our fans cheering for us. 

What always makes you laugh?

V - Lisa
L - Excuse me oppa?

What did you last search on Google?

JK - Lisa funny pictures haha..
L - hey!

Cats or dogs?

JN - Dogs definitely.

What's an annoying habit of one of your group members?

L - they make fun of me unnecessarily.

What's your favorite song from your latest album?

V - Black Love.

What's a fun fact about you that many people don't know?

JN - I love love love mangoes!

What's your favorite drama?

JK - Twenty five twenty one.

How do you stay motivated during long promotional periods or tours?

L - Our fans, members, families..

What's your favorite season?

JN - Winter.

What's your favorite sport?

V - Basketball.

If you could describe each other in three words, what would they be?

JK - Jennie noona.. kind, pure and umm.. humble.
JN - Taehyung is perfect hehe. Maybe peaceful and beautiful..
L - Kook? Haha mascular. And, sweet.. golden.
V - Lisa, crackhead.. evil.. cute.

"Thank you so much for joining us for this fun rapid fire. All the best for your upcoming album!"

ALL - Thank you!


A short chapter! 💛

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